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在ExtJS 3.4中的分页工具栏中刷新完成事件

[英]Refresh Complete Event in Paging Toolbar in ExtJS 3.4

I am adding a paging toolbar from below code: 我从下面的代码添加分页工具栏:

this.bbar = new Ext.PagingToolbar({
    pageSize: this.pageSize,
    store: this.store,
    displayInfo: true,
    displayMsg: helpiq.i18.topiclist.display_msg,
    emptyMsg: helpiq.i18.topiclist.empty_msg     

Now I want to add an event that calls when the toolbar refresh action is completed and also one more event that calls when changing the page completes. 现在,我想添加一个事件,该事件在工具栏刷新动作完成时调用,并且还要在更改页面时完成另一个事件。

How to do this? 这个怎么做?

I found the solution to this. 我找到了解决方案。

Just add the change listener to the paging toolbar, it will be called after the completion of refresh event complete and also on page change event complete. 只需将更改侦听器添加到分页工具栏,刷新事件完成完成后,页面更改事件完成后就会调用它。

change: function() {
    // do here

This solution will solve both the problems of the question. 此解决方案将解决问题的两个问题。

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