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[英]How to use Lodash when data is undefined or null

In my application If data is undefined or null which is coming from service, my html will not load and I will get "data is undefined" error so I am tring to use lodash, but dont know how to use it.. 在我的应用程序如果数据未定义或来自服务的null,我的html将无法加载,我将得到“数据未定义”错误,所以我想使用lodash,但不知道如何使用它..

In my below ts file 在我的下面的ts文件中

  result => {
    this.distributionData = this._PartService.part_data.partMasterDataCompleteList[0].partMasterData.plantSupplies.plantSupply

I will be getting "partMasterDataCompleteList" as undefiend or null if data is not there, so there I am trying to use Lodash but I dont know how to use it 如果数据不存在,我将把“partMasterDataCompleteList”作为undefiend或null,所以我试图使用Lodash,但我不知道如何使用它

To handle undefined cases, I use the following : 要处理未定义的情况,我使用以下内容:

this.distributionData =((((this._PartService.part_data.partMasterDataCompleteList || [])[0] || {}).partMasterData || {}).plantSupplies || {}).plantSupply

Although a better approach would be to have the server send an empty array instead of undefined or null. 虽然更好的方法是让服务器发送一个空数组而不是undefined或null。

This is not a lodash issue. 这不是一个问题。 It is just about handling the undefined or null case 它只是处理undefined或null的情况


this.distributionData = _.get(this, '_PartService.part_data.partMasterDataCompleteList[0].partMasterData.plantSupplies.plantSupply')

Lodash provides quite a few methods to check and get the value you want from an object. Lodash提供了很多方法来检查并从对象中获取所需的值。

_.get would actually return the value if it exists and would return undefined if it does not. 如果存在, __ get实际上将返回该值,如果不存在则返回undefined

_.has would check if the value exists and return true if it does and false if it does not. _.has检查值是否存在如果有 ,则返回true否则返回false

_.hasIn would do the same as _.has but would also check if this is an inherited property. _.hasIn将与_.has相同,但也会检查这是否是继承的属性。

_.result would actually walk the path and return the value as well but with a major difference ... it would execute any function among the way to get to the value . _.result实际上会走路径并返回值,但有一个主要区别...... 它会执行任何函数来获取值

Examples: 例子:

 var data = { more: { result: 1}} var data2 = _.create({ 'more': _.create({ 'result': 2 }) }); var data3 = { more: function() { return { result: 1} }} console.log(_.get(data, 'more.result')) // 1 console.log(_.has(data, 'more.result')) // true console.log(_.hasIn(data2, 'more.result')) // true console.log(_.result(data3, 'more.result')) // 1 
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.10/lodash.min.js"></script> 

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