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MS Access中的C#SQL插入查询语法错误

[英]C# SQL insert query syntax error with MS Access

I am trying to perform an insert query in C# but it keeps telling me syntax error in insert into statement. 我试图在C#中执行插入查询,但它不断告诉我在插入语句中出现语法错误。

Here is my query: 这是我的查询:

Checks.SQL.Insert(mydb, "SELECT * FROM Employee", "INSERT INTO Employee(First_Name,Last_Name,Email,CellPhone_Number,TypeOfUser,Username,Password) VALUES('" + txtFirstName.Text + "','" + txtLastName.Text + "','" + txtEmail.Text + " ', '" + txtCellphone.Text + "'," + typeId + ",'"+Encrypcion.encrypt(txtUsername.Text)+"','"+Encrypcion.encrypt(txtPassword.Text)+"' )");

Here is my checks insert function 这是我的支票插入功能

 public static void Insert(OleDbConnection mydb, string SelectQuery, string InsertQuery)

     OleDbDataAdapter query2 = new OleDbDataAdapter(SelectQuery, mydb);
     OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(InsertQuery, mydb);

     query2.InsertCommand = cmd;

Here is a picture of my InsertQuery with input data as example: 这是我的InsertQuery的图片, InsertQuery包含输入数据作为示例:

enter image description here 在此处输入图片说明

See a picture of my table info: 看到我的桌子信息的图片:



"INSERT INTO Employee(First_Name,Last_Name,Email,CellPhone_Number,TypeOfUser,Username,[Password]) .."

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