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[英]Can properties that are read-only to code outside of an object be created in JavaScript?


Yes, one possibility is to use the revealing module pattern - keep the variables that you want to keep private and unalterable inside the module, and expose a getter that returns that variable. 是的,一种可能的方法是使用显示模块模式-将要保留的变量保持私有和不可更改的状态,并公开返回该变量的吸气剂。 See comments: 看评论:

 const counter = (() => { let num = 5; return { get num() { return num }, increment: () => num++, }; })(); console.log(counter.num); // 5 counter.num++; // Won't do anything, since num can only be changed from the inside console.log(counter.num); // Still 5 counter.increment(); // Calls the method internal to the object, which increments num console.log(counter.num); // 6 

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