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[英]Mongoose programatically update single array property item

I'm trying to update a single array property item using mongoose: 我正在尝试使用猫鼬更新单个数组属性项:

const updatePurchaseItem = async (purchaseOrder, itemIndex, product) => {

    let position = "items." + itemIndex + ".product_id";
    let query = {
            _id: purchaseOrder._id,
            deletedAt: null

    await PurchaseOrderModel.update(query, position: product._id);

I'm getting the following error: 我收到以下错误:

Cast to ObjectId failed for value "items.1.product_id" at path "_id" for model "PurchaseOrder"

What is the code proper syntax to make this work? 使此工作正常的代码正确语法是什么?

What does path "_id" means ? path "_id"是什么意思?

Both purchaseOrder and product are read from the database using mongoose.findOne() . 无论purchaseOrderproduct从数据库中读取使用mongoose.findOne()

Have you tried parsing the parameter as an object? 您是否尝试过将参数解析为对象? As in {position: product._id} {position: product._id}

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