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使用HeidiSQL连接到SQL Server

[英]Connecting to SQL Server with HeidiSQL

I am using Windows 10 64bit. 我正在使用Windows 10 64位。 I installed SQL Server 2014 Express. 我安装了SQL Server 2014 Express。 The SQL Server service is running. SQL Server服务正在运行。 Now I am trying to connect to the running SQL Server with HeidiSQL. 现在,我尝试使用HeidiSQL连接到正在运行的SQL Server。 I am using SQL Server named pipes and it is not working. 我正在使用SQL Server命名管道,但无法正常工作。 Can you please help me about how to do it? 您能帮我一下如何做吗?

If you installed with all defaults, then the server/instance name to use for SQL Server Express would be: 如果安装了所有默认设置,则用于SQL Server Express的服务器/实例名称将是:

  • (local)\\SQLEXPRESS
  • localhost\\SQLEXPRESS
  • YourPcNameHere\\SQLEXPRESS

Either of those should work just fine 这些都应该很好

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