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当页面/容器/组件更改时,NextJS 不会更新,HMR 总是返回成功

[英]NextJS isn't updating when pages/containers/components are changed, HMR always returns success

I'm having an issue with NextJS / webpack .我在使用NextJS / webpack遇到问题。

Whenever I make changes, it won't update anything until a full restart of everything.每当我进行更改时,它都不会更新任何内容,直到完全重新启动所有内容。 This takes a really long time to compile, most recently 6.4 seconds for the client and 2.3 for the server.这需要很长时间来编译,最近客户端需要6.4秒,服务器需要2.3秒。 Often it has taken 20-30 seconds in the past.过去通常需要20-30秒。

process.env.NODE_ENV is undefined, webpack-hmr and on-demand-entries both always return empty/success in the browser. process.env.NODE_ENV是未定义的, webpack-hmron-demand-entries在浏览器中总是返回空/成功。 My guess would be that Next / Webpack aren't able to watch the files that are being changed.我的猜测是Next / Webpack无法查看正在更改的文件。

My next version is 6.0.3 and I'm working in Ubuntu 16.04.4 lts in WSL on Windows 10.0.17134 .我的next版本是6.0.3 ,我在Windows 10.0.17134上的WSL中使用Ubuntu 16.04.4 lts Windows 10.0.17134

The problem persists with a custom server, I'm calling app.getRequestHandler once, assigning it to handler, then routing get paths ( /{p*} ) to the handler with Hapi v17.5.2 .自定义服务器的问题仍然存在,我调用app.getRequestHandler一次,将其分配给处理程序,然后使用Hapi v17.5.2将获取路径( /{p*} )路由到处理程序。

If you happen to find this "question and solution" and it is still not working...如果您碰巧找到了这个“问题和解决方案”,但它仍然无法正常工作...

Try adding a .env with CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING=true on it, this fixed it for me, because I am not storing the files inside WSL but in a different disk on Windows...尝试添加.envCHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING=true就可以了,这个固定为我,因为我不是存储里面的文件WSL ,但在Windows不同的磁盘...

I added我加了

config.node = {
  fs: 'empty'

and now it updates on file changes.现在它更新文件更改。

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