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如何在 docker 容器内运行 tmux?

[英]How to run tmux inside a docker container?

I have some docker container running on a P2 instance.我在 P2 实例上运行了一些 docker 容器。 In the past I run tmux in the P2 instance a run a docker container inside.过去我在 P2 实例中运行 tmux 并在里面运行一个 docker 容器。 Afterwards I used后来我用

docker exec -it 

to get into the running docker container.进入正在运行的 docker 容器。 I would like to avoid the above and be able to run tmux inside an existing container.我想避免上述情况并能够在现有容器内运行 tmux。 hitting

tmux new -s <some name>

Doesn't do anything.什么都不做

I assume that you want to connect to a docker container running remotely via tmux .我假设您想通过tmux连接到远程运行的 docker 容器。 In order to do this, you will have to run an ssh server within the container and attach to the tmux session using ssh .为此,您必须在容器内运行 ssh 服务器并使用ssh附加到tmux会话。 For example:例如:

  • Create the container image with ssh and tmux installed.创建安装了sshtmux的容器镜像。 The Dockerfile might look like this: Dockerfile可能如下所示:

     FROM ubuntu:latest RUN apt-get update && \\ apt install -y tmux && \\ apt install -y openssh-server && \\ service ssh start && \\ tmux new -s mysesh EXPOSE 22/tcp
  • Run the container, and port forward the ssh port:运行容器,并转发 ssh 端口:

     docker run -it -d -p 8654:22 <image name>
  • Attach to the tmux session:附加到tmux会话:

     ssh user@<hostname> -p 8654 -t "tmux a -t mysesh"

Note : tmux sessions are user specific, so ensure that the user exists in the container, and that the tmux session is started as the user within the container.注意tmux会话是特定于用户的,因此请确保该用户存在于容器中,并且tmux会话以容器内的用户身份启动。

If tmux is already running in the container, it's as simple as docker attach container_name .如果tmux已经在容器中运行,它就像docker attach container_name一样简单。 ( Docs .) 文档。)

tmux might not be available in docker image, you can install it once you're attached to the docker container. tmux 可能在 docker 镜像中不可用,您可以在附加到 docker 容器后安装它。

sudo apt install tmux

Then you should be able to execute然后你应该能够执行

tmux new -s <some name>

Tried this on a P3 machine worked fine.在 P3 机器上试过这个工作正常。 Reference: https://linuxize.com/post/getting-started-with-tmux/参考: https : //linuxize.com/post/getting-started-with-tmux/

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