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[英]Nuxt.js global events emitted from page inside iframe are not available to parent page

I'm trying to create a pattern library app that displays components inside iframe elements, alongside their HTML. 我正在尝试创建一个模式库应用,以在iframe元素内及其HTML旁边显示组件。 Whenever the contents of an iframe changes, I want the page containing the iframe to respond by re-fetching the iframe 's HTML and printing it to the page. 每当iframe的内容发生变化时,我都希望包含iframe的页面通过重新获取iframe的HTML并将其打印到页面iframe做出响应。 Unfortunately, the page has no way of knowing when components inside its iframe change. 不幸的是,该页面无法知道其iframe组件何时更改。 Here's a simplified example of how things are setup: 这是一个简单的示例,说明如何设置:

I have an "accordion" component that emits a global event on update: 我有一个“手风琴”组件,它在更新时发出全局事件:

components/Accordion.vue 组件/Accordion.vue

  <div class="accordion"></div>

  export default {
    updated() {
      console.log("accordion-updated event emitted");

I then pull that component into a page: 然后,我将该组件拉入页面:

pages/components/accordion.vue 页面/组件/accordion.vue


  import Accordion from "~/components/Accordion.vue";

  export default {
    components: { Accordion }

I then display that page inside an iframe on another page: 然后,我在另一页的iframe显示该页:

pages/documentation/accordion.vue pages / documentation / accordion.vue

    <p>Here's a live demo of the Accordion component:</p>
    <iframe src="/components/accordion"></iframe>

  export default {
    created() {
      this.$root.$on("accordion-updated", () => {
        console.log("accordion-updated callback executed");
    beforeDestroy() {

When I edit the "accordion" component, the "event emitted" log appears in my browser's console, so it seems like the accordion-updated event is being emitted. 当我编辑“手风琴”组件时,“事件已发出”日志出现在浏览器的控制台中,因此似乎正在发出accordion-updated事件。 Unfortunately, I never see the "callback executed" console log from the event handler in the documentation/accordion page. 不幸的是,我从没有在documentation/accordion页面的事件处理程序中看到“已执行回调”控制台日志。 I've tried using both this.$root.$emit / this.$root.$on and this.$nuxt.$emit / this.$nuxt.$on and neither seem to be working. 我已经尝试过使用this.$root.$emit / this.$root.$onthis.$nuxt.$emit / this.$nuxt.$on两者都没有用。

Is it possible that each page contains a separate Vue instance, so the iframe page's this.$root object is not the same as the documentation/accordion page's this.$root object? 每个页面是否可能包含一个单独的Vue实例,所以iframe页面的this.$root对象与documentation/accordion页面的this.$root对象不同吗? If so, then how can I solve this problem? 如果是这样,那我该如何解决呢?

It sounds like I was correct and there are indeed two separate Vue instances in my iframe page and its parent page: https://forum.vuejs.org/t/eventbus-from-iframe-to-parent/31299 听起来我是对的,并且在我的iframe页面及其父页面中确实有两个单独的Vue实例: https : //forum.vuejs.org/t/eventbus-from-iframe-to-parent/31299

So I ended up attaching a MutationObserver to the iframe , like this: 因此,我最终将MutationObserver附加到iframe ,如下所示:

  <iframe ref="iframe" :src="src" @load="onIframeLoaded"></iframe>

  export default {
    data() {
      return { iframeObserver: null }
    props: {
      src: { type: String, required: true }
    methods: {
      onIframeLoaded() {

        this.iframeObserver = new MutationObserver(() => {
          window.setTimeout(() => {
          }, 100);
        this.iframeObserver.observe(this.$refs.iframe.contentDocument, {
          attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true
      getIframeContent() {
        const iframe = this.$refs.iframe;
        const html = iframe.contentDocument.querySelector("#__layout").innerHTML;
        // Print HTML to page
    beforeDestroy() {
      if (this.iframeObserver) {

Attaching the observer directly to the contentDocument means that my event handler will fire when elements in the document's <head> change, in addition to the <body> . 将观察者直接附加到contentDocument意味着,除了<body>之外,当文档的<head>中的元素发生更改时,我的事件处理程序也会触发。 This allows me to react when Vue injects new CSS or JavaScript blocks into the <head> (via hot module replacement). 当Vue将新的CSS或JavaScript块注入<head> (通过热模块替换)时,这使我能够做出反应。

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