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[英]Loop through an Array, add each item to an object and push it to an array in Javascript

I have an array of ID's as below: 我有一个ID数组,如下所示:

[121, 432, 322]

I want all of it to be added to an array in the following format (Expected Output) : 我希望将其全部以以下格式(预期输出)添加到数组中:

        "term": {
            "brand_id": 121
        "term": {
            "brand_id": 432
        "term": {
            "brand_id": 322

I am able to get the structure right and get a result almost as expected. 我能够正确地构造结构并获得几乎预期的结果。 But am ending up having just the last value as the value in all items of the object as below (Current Output) : 但是最终将最后一个值作为对象的所有项中的值,如下所示(当前输出)

            "term": {
                "brand_id": 322
            "term": {
                "brand_id": 322
            "term": {
                "brand_id": 322

My code is as below: 我的代码如下:

The array of IDs is in an array named brands. ID数组位于名为brands的数组中。

let brands_formated = [];
//I have the array stored in `brands`
let format =  { "term" : {
                      "brand_id": 0 //will be replaced

brands.forEach(function(brand) {
    //The structure for brand query
    format.term.brand_id = brand;
    //Check if the right brand is format. Outputs as desired.


Though console.log in loop confirms am iterating correctly. 尽管console.log in循环确认正确迭代。 The final output just has one value. 最终输出只有一个值。

You currently only have one variable for format - you're only ever pushing one item to the array, you're just mutating it multiple times, resulting in the array containing 3 references to the same object. 当前,您只有一个用于format变量-您只将一项推入数组,只是对其进行了多次变异,导致数组包含对同一对象的3个引用。

Create the format on each iteration instead. 而是在每次迭代时创建format .map is more appropriate than .forEach when transforming one array into another: 当将一个数组转换为另一个数组时, .map.forEach更合适:

 const input = [121, 432, 322]; console.log( input.map(brand_id => ({ term: { brand_id }})) ); 

While this answer explained the problem of your code. 虽然答案说明了您的代码问题。 Here is my way to solve the same problem. 这是我解决相同问题的方法。

const input = [121, 432, 322];
Array.from(input, brand_id => ({ term: { brand_id }}))

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