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在使用capybara进行测试时的Rails项目:ArgumentError:传递给Capybara :: Queries :: SelectorQuery的未使用参数:[4]

[英]Rails project, while testing with capybara: ArgumentError: Unused parameters passed to Capybara::Queries::SelectorQuery : [4]

Test that the form has 4 inputs is not working, I am copy pasting the line from the documentation: 测试表单有4个输入是否无法正常工作,我正在复制文档中的行:

assert_select "form input", 4

any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

require "application_system_test_case"

class QuestionsTest < ApplicationSystemTestCase
  test "visiting /ask renders the form" do
    visit ask_url

    assert_selector "p", text: "Ask your coach anything"

    assert_select "form input", 4

The complete error message is: 完整的错误消息是:

ArgumentError: Unused parameters passed to Capybara::Queries::SelectorQuery : [4]
    test/system/questions_test.rb:9:in `block in <class:QuestionsTest>'

Any help would be appreciate. 任何帮助将不胜感激。

Don't know why my question is wrong according to stackoverflow, after having read their guidelines. 在阅读了他们的指南之后,根据stackoverflow不知道为什么我的问题是错误的。

The assert_select method you're copying from documentation is a Rails method that was moved out of Rails into the rails-dom-testing gem around Rails 4.2. 您要从文档中复制的assert_select方法是一种Rails方法,该方法已从Rails中移出,进入了围绕Rails 4.2的rails-dom-testing gem。 However, the assert_select method you're actually calling is a Capybara provided method - https://www.rubydoc.info/gems/capybara/Capybara/Minitest/Assertions#assert_select-instance_method - which deals with <select> elements, doesn't take the same parameters, and isn't the correct method for what you are trying to do. 然而, assert_select你实际上调用方法是水豚提供的方法- https://www.rubydoc.info/gems/capybara/Capybara/Minitest/Assertions#assert_select-instance_method -与交易的<select>元素,没有按”不能使用相同的参数,也不是您尝试执行的正确方法。 With Capybara what you are trying to do is 使用水豚,您想要做的是

assert_css "form input", count: 4

which is the same as assert_selector :css, "form input", count: 4 , which can also be written assert_selector "form input", count: 4 if Capybara.default_selector == :css . assert_selector :css, "form input", count: 4相同assert_selector :css, "form input", count: 4 ,也可以写为assert_selector "form input", count: 4如果Capybara.default_selector == :css

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