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如何使用基于binlog的Ansible Playbook在mysql中实现“ 1小时定时增量备份”?

[英]How can I achieve 'incremental backup with 1 hour timing' period in mysql using Ansible Playbook based on binlog?

I have two servers. 我有两台服务器。 master and slave which moderated for replication. 主服务器和从属服务器进行复制。 replication process is working good. 复制过程运行良好。 Here I wants to use "incremental dump" option for every one hour and upload that to s3 bucket or another server or local machine(control machine). 在这里,我想每隔一小时使用“增量转储”选项,并将其上传到s3存储桶或其他服务器或本地计算机(控制计算机)。 From the mysql documentations I have a confident to done this using binlogfile. 从mysql文档中,我有信心使用binlogfile完成此操作。 But I have no idea where from I start. 但是我不知道从哪里开始。

I am following the steps which are given below. 我正在执行以下步骤。 But I dont know how the binlog file changing only equivalent of incremental dump even it have all the queries what we done in the database. 但是我不知道binlog文件如何更改仅相当于增量转储,即使它具有我们在数据库中所做的所有查询。

I wants to take dump from slave db. How that will take dump exactly one hour time period. How can I achieve that? 

my replication code is here. 我的复制代码在这里。

sudo mysql -uroot -p'Pass@123' --connect-expired-password -e "CREATE TABLE db_test.mytable (name VARCHAR(100));"
sudo mysql -uroot -p'Pass@123' --connect-expired-password -e "INSERT INTO db_test.mytable (name) VALUES ('ANSIBLE');"
sudo mysql -uroot -p'Pass@123' --connect-expired-password -e "FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK;"
sudo mysql -uroot -p'Pass@123' --connect-expired-password -e "SHOW MASTER STATUS;"
sudo mysql -uroot -p'Pass@123' --connect-expired-password -e "unlock tables;"
sudo mysql -uroot -p'Pass@123' --connect-expired-password -e "drop database db_test;"
sudo mysql -uroot -p'Pass@123' --connect-expired-password -e "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS db_test.mytable;"
-get master
-adding values to dummy host
-changemaster using dummyhost value 
-starting slave

Finally I found a solution. 终于我找到了解决方案。

  • Flush binary logs [new binary log file created] Flush binary logs [已创建新的二进制日志文件]
  • By using binlog.index file, found previous binary file. 通过使用binlog.index文件,找到以前的二进制文件。 Copied that file to where I want to upload. 将该文件复制到我要上传的位置。 That is the dump file and I got data from that file got restore. 那是转储文件,我从该文件中获取了数据并进行了还原。
  • File saved by current timestamp name value. 当前时间戳名称值保存的文件。
  • Automation done by using crontab -e file. 通过使用crontab -e文件来完成自动化。
  • 1 */1 * * * is the value used for time scheduling.[every first minute of an hour] 1 */1 * * *是用于时间安排的值。[每小时的第一分钟]

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