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[英]Why is my MySQL Full Text search not working?

I'm using MySQL FullText search and It works, but I can't get the following result. 我正在使用MySQL FullText搜索,并且可以使用,但是无法获得以下结果。

Ex: 例如:

SELECT * FROM countries WHERE MATCH (name)
     AGAINST ("Chinese*" IN BOOLEAN MODE);

It should give me the country record "China", but it doesn't work, any advice to make this function better/work? 它应该给我国家记录“中国”,但是它不起作用,是否有任何建议可以使此功能更好/起作用?

My Full Code: 我的完整代码:

 protected function fullTextWildcards($term)

        // removing symbols used by MySQL
        $reservedSymbols = ['-', '+', '<', '>', '@', '(', ')', '~'];
        $term = str_replace($reservedSymbols, '', $term);

        $words = explode(' ', $term);

        foreach($words as $key => $word) {
             * applying + operator (required word) only big words
             * because smaller ones are not indexed by MySQL

            if(strlen($word) >= 3) {

                $words[$key] = '' . $word . '*';

        $searchTerm = implode( ' ', $words);

        return $searchTerm;

     * Scope a query that matches a full text search of term.
     * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $query
     * @param string $term
     * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
    public function scopeSearch($query, $term)
        $columns = implode(',',$this->searchable);

        $query->whereRaw("MATCH ({$columns}) AGAINST (? IN BOOLEAN MODE)" , $this->fullTextWildcards($term));
        return $query;

My Solution was breaking the words smaller: 我的解决方案是将单词缩小:

if(strlen($word) >= 7){
                    $split_string = str_split($word, 4);

                    $join = implode( '*', $split_string);

                    $words[$key] = '' . $join . '*';
                    $words[$key] = '' . $word . '*';

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