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[英]HttpUtility.UrlEncode with uppercase hex characters

HttpUtility.UrlEncode("abc : 123") produces abc+%3a+123 but I need it to produce abc+%3A+123 (notice the uppercase A . HttpUtility.UrlEncode("abc : 123")产生abc+%3a+123但我需要它来产生abc+%3A+123 (注意大写A

Is there a way to have UrlEncode output uppercase hex characters? 有没有办法让UrlEncode输出大写十六进制字符?

I don't want to simply call .ToUpper() on the entire string because I need abc to stay lowercase. 我不想简单地在整个字符串上调用.ToUpper() ,因为我需要abc保持小写。

This is not supported out of the box, but you can do it yourself: 开箱即用不支持此功能,但是您可以自己执行以下操作:

private static string UrlEncodeUpperCase(string stringToEncode)
    var reg = new Regex(@"%[a-f0-9]{2}");
    stringToEncode = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(stringToEncode);
    return reg.Replace(stringToEncode, m => m.Value.ToUpperInvariant());

Keep in mind that [RFC 3986][1] explicitly mentions that uppercase and lowercase are equivalent. 请记住, [RFC 3986][1]明确提到大写和小写是等效的。

I believe I've found the answer from the 2nd answer in this question: https://stackoverflow.com/a/1148326/20471 我相信我已经在这个问题的第二个答案中找到了答案: https : //stackoverflow.com/a/1148326/20471

The solution is to use Uri.EscapeDataString because it uses %20 for spaces instead of + and also uppercases the hex replacements. 解决方案是使用Uri.EscapeDataString因为它将%20用作空格而不是+ ,并且将十六进制替换大写。

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