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Cant Pickle记住了类实例

[英]Cant Pickle memoized class instance

Here is the code I am using 这是我正在使用的代码

import funcy

class mystery(object):

    def __init__(self, num):
        self.num = num

feat = mystery(1)

with open('num.pickle', 'wb') as f:

Which is giving me the following error: 这给了我以下错误:

PicklingError: Can't pickle <class '__main__.mystery'>: it's not the 
same object as __main__.mystery

I am hoping to 1) understand why this is happening, and 2) find a solution that allows me to pickle the object (without removing the memoization). 我希望1)理解为什么会这样,2)找到一个允许我挑选对象的解决方案(不删除memoization)。 Ideally the solution would not change the call to pickle. 理想情况下,解决方案不会改变对pickle的调用。

Running python 3.6 with funcy==1.10 用funcy运行python 3.6 == 1.10

The problem is that you've applied a decorator designed for functions to a class. 问题是你已经为一个类应用了一个为函数设计的装饰器。 The result is not a class, but a function that wraps up a call to the class. 结果不是一个类,而是一个包装对类的调用的函数。 This causes a number of problems (eg, as pointed out by Aran-Fey in the comments, you can't isinstance(feat, mystery) , because mystery ). 这导致了许多问题(例如,正如Aran-Fey在评论中指出的那样,你不可能是isinstance(feat, mystery) ,因为mystery )。

But the particular problem you care about is that you can't pickle instances of inaccessible classes. 但是你关心的特殊问题是你不能挑选无法访问的类的实例。

In fact, that's basically what the error message is telling you: 事实上,这基本上是错误消息告诉你的:

PicklingError: Can't pickle <class '__main__.mystery'>: it's not the 
same object as __main__.mystery

Your feat thinks its type is __main__.mystery , but that isn't a type at all, it's the function returned by the decorator that wraps that type. 你的feat认为它的类型是__main__.mystery ,但这根本不是一个类型,它是包装该类型的装饰器返回的函数。

The easy way to fix this would be to find a class decorator meant that does what you want. 解决这个问题的简单方法是找到一个类装饰器,它可以满足您的需求。 It might be called something like flyweight instead of memoize , but I'm sure plenty of examples exist. 它可能被称为flyweight而不是memoize ,但我确信存在大量的例子。

But you can build a flyweight class by just memoizing the constructor, instead of memoizing the class: 但是你可以通过记住构造函数来构建一个flyweight类,而不是记住这个类:

class mystery:
    def __new__(cls, num):
        return super().__new__(cls)
    def __init__(self, num):
        self.num = num

… although you probably want to move the initialization into the constructor in that case. ...虽然您可能希望在这种情况下将初始化移动到构造函数中。 Otherwise, calling mystery(1) and then mystery(1) will return the same object as before, but also reinitialize it with self.num = 1 , which is at best wasteful, and at worst incorrect. 否则,调用mystery(1)然后mystery(1)将作为前返回相同的对象,但也有重新初始化self.num = 1 ,这充其量是浪费的,在最坏的情况不正确。 So: 所以:

class mystery:
    def __new__(cls, num):
        self = super().__new__(cls)
        self.num = num
        return self

And now: 现在:

>>> feat = mystery(1)
>>> feat
<__main__.mystery at 0x10eeb1278>
>>> mystery(2)
<__main__.mystery at 0x10eeb2c18>
>>> mystery(1)
<__main__.mystery at 0x10eeb1278>

And, because the type of feat is now a class that's accessible under the module-global name mystery , pickle will have no problem with it at all: 而且,因为feat的类型现在是一个可以在模块 - 全局名称mystery下访问的类,所以pickle将完全没有问题:

>>> pickle.dumps(feat)

You do still want to think about how this class should play with pickling. 还是要考虑这个类应该如何与酸洗玩。 In particular, do you want unpickling to go through the cache? 特别是,你想要unpickling通过缓存吗? By default, it doesn't: 默认情况下,它不会:

>>> pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(feat)) is feat

What's happening is that it's using the default __reduce_ex__ for pickling, which defaults to doing the equivalent of (only slightly oversimplified): 发生的事情是它使用默认的__reduce_ex__进行酸洗,默认情况下相当于(仅略微过度简化):

result = object.__new__(__main__.mystery)
result.__dict__.update({'num': 1})

If you want it to go through the cache, the simplest solution is this: 如果您希望它通过缓存,最简单的解决方案是:

class mystery:
    def __new__(cls, num):
        self = super().__new__(cls)
        self.num = num
        return self
    def __reduce__(self):
        return (type(self), (self.num,))

If you plan to do this a lot, you might think of writing your own class decorator: 如果你计划这么做,你可能会想到编写自己的类装饰器:

def memoclass(cls):
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        return super(cls, cls).__new__(cls)
    cls.__new__ = __new__
    return cls

But this: 但是这个:

  • … is kind of ugly, ......有点难看,
  • … only works with classes that don't need to pass constructor arguments to a base class, ...仅适用于不需要将构造函数参数传递给基类的类,
  • … only works with classes that don't have an __init__ (or, at least, that have an idempotent and fast __init__ that's harmless to call repeatedly), ...仅适用于没有__init__ (或者至少具有幂等且快速的__init__ ,无法重复调用),
  • … doesn't provide an easy way to hook pickling, and ...没有提供一种简单的方法来勾选酸洗,并且
  • … doesn't document or test any of those restrictions. ......不记录或测试任何这些限制。

So, I think you're better off being explicit and just memoizing the __new__ method, or writing (or finding) something a lot fancier that does the introspection needed to make memoizing a class this way fully general. 所以,我认为你最好是明确的,只是__new__方法,或者写一些(或找到)更多更好的东西,这样做的内省需要以这种方式完全记住一个类。 (Or, alternatively, maybe write one that only works with some restricted set of classes—eg, a @memodataclass that's just like @dataclass but with a memoized constructor would be a lot easier than a fully general @memoclass .) (或者,也可以写一个仅适用于某些受限制的类集合的类 - 例如@memodataclass就像@dataclass但是使用memoized构造函数将比完全通用的@memoclass容易得多。)

Another approach is 另一种方法是

class _mystery(object):

    def __init__(self, num):
        self.num = num

def mystery(num):
    return _mystery(num)

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