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[英]Swift handle Play/Pause button inTableview Cell

I am trying to implement play/pause button in tableview cell. 我试图在表格单元格中实现播放/暂停按钮。 each cell having single button, whenever user click it, It should change button image also need to call required function, also after scroll it should same. 每个单元格都有单个按钮,每当用户单击它时,都应更改按钮图像,还需要调用所需的功能,滚动后也应相同。

Below code I am using 下面的代码我正在使用

func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) - > UITableViewCell {

    let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("productCell") as ? SepetCell
    cell.onButtonTapped = {
       //Do whatever you want to do when the button is tapped here

See first of all every button of the tableView Cell will have a unique tag associated with it, so in order to update the button of a particular cell, you will have to define the tag of a button in the cells and then pass this tag to your function to perform action on that particular button of the selected cell. 首先,请查看tableView Cell的每个按钮将具有与之关联的唯一标签,因此,为了更新特定单元格的按钮,您将必须在单元格中定义按钮的标签,然后将此标签传递给您对选定单元格的特定按钮执行操作的功能。

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell
     let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "cell_identifier", for: 
         indexPath) as! CellClass
      cell.button.tag  = indexPath.row
      cell.button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(playpause), for: .touchUpInside)
  @objc func playpause(btn : UIButton){
       if btn.currentImage == UIImage(named: "Play") {
        btn.setImage(UIImage(named : "Pause"), forState: .Normal)
      else {
        btn.setImage(UIImage(named : "Play"), forState: .Normal)
   // perform your desired action of the button over here

State of the art in Swift are callback closures. Swift中最先进的技术是回调闭包。 They are easy to implement and very efficient. 它们易于实现且非常高效。

In the data source model add a property 在数据源模型中添加一个属性

var isPlaying = false 

In Interface Builder select the button in the custom cell and press ⌥⌘4 to go to the Attributes Inspector. 在Interface Builder中,选择自定义单元中的按钮,然后按⌥⌘4转到Attributes Inspector。 In the popup menu State Config select Default and choose the appropriate image from Image popup, Do the same for the Selected state. 在弹出菜单“ State Config选择“ Default然后从“ Image弹出窗口中选择适当的图像,对“ Selected状态执行相同的操作。

In the custom cell add a callback property and an outlet and action for the button (connect both to the button). 在自定义单元格中,为该按钮添加一个回调属性以及一个插座和动作(将两者都连接到该按钮)。 The image is set via the isSelected property. 通过isSelected属性设置图像。

@IBOutlet weak var button : UIButton!

var callback : (()->())?

@IBAction func push(_ sender: UIButton) {

In the controller in cellForRow add the callback, item is the current item of the data source array. cellForRow的控制器中添加回调, item是数据源数组的当前项目。 The state of the button is kept in isPlaying 按钮的状态保持在isPlaying

cell.button.isSelected = item.isPlaying
cell.callback = {
    item.isPlaying = !item.isPlaying
    cell.button.isSelected = item.isPlaying

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