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[英]Stream filter is not working for some reason

My first post here, im very new with java (and with any programming) as you can see below :) 我在这里的第一篇文章,对于Java(以及任何编程)来说是非常新的,您可以在下面看到:)

I need to print out a word from list, but for some reason my stream command cannot find parameter(String word) after using filter(), even when the word exist in list. 我需要从列表中打印出一个单词,但是由于某种原因,即使使用list()存在该单词,我的流命令也无法在使用filter()之后找到参数(字符串单词)。 (i tried sout() whole list without filter and found it in input). (我尝试了sout()没有过滤器的整个列表,并在输入中找到了它)。

private List<String> lines;

public reviews(List<String> lines) { 
    this.lines = lines;

public void NumberOfWords(String theWord) {

            .map(lines -> lines.split(" "))
            .map(words -> Arrays.toString(words))
            .map(word -> word.trim().toLowerCase())
            .filter(word -> word.equals(theWord))   // Something wrong with this line?
            .forEach(word -> System.out.println(word));


Without stream filter() the output looks like this: 没有流filter()的输出如下所示:

[1, a, series, of, escapades, demonstrating, the, adage, that, what, is, good, for, the, goose, is, also, good , for, the, gander, ,, some, of, which, occasionally, amuses, but, none, of, which, amounts, to, much, of, a, story, . [1,一系列,逃避,证明,格言,那是什么,好,为,鹅,也是, ,为,甘德,,,一些,其中偶尔会逗乐,但绝不等于故事的大部分。 ] [4, this, quiet, ,, introspective, and, entertaining, independent, is, worth, seeking, . ] [4,这种安静,内省,娱乐性,独立性是值得的。 ] [1, even, fans, of, ismail, merchant, 's, work, ,, i, suspect, ,, would, have, a, hard, time, sitting, through, this, one, . ] [1,甚至是ismail,商人,工作的粉丝,我,嫌疑人、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、。 ] [3, a, positively //etc........ ] [3,a,肯定//等等........

and with filter, lets say we would have parameter word: " good ". 并使用过滤器,假设我们将使用参数字:“ good ”。 it exist, but method doesnt print it. 它存在,但是方法不打印它。

You have a logical mistake here: 您在这里有一个逻辑错误:

.map(words -> Arrays.toString(words))
.map(word -> word.trim().toLowerCase())

The first line here will return a string representation of an array so the result will be something like : from "I am a newbie !" 这里的第一行将返回数组的字符串表示形式,因此结果将类似于: “我是新手!” to "I, am, a, newbie, !" 改为“我是新手!” Then trimming this string will result to the very same string -> "I, am, a, newbie, !" 然后,修剪此字符串将得到相同的字符串-> “ I,am,a,newbie,!” After that you are filtering this very same string(composite one, and not a simple word) to the key word. 之后,您将这个完全相同的字符串(组成一个,而不是一个简单的单词)过滤到关键字中。 This will lead to an empty list in the end. 最后将导致一个空列表。

In the case where you would like to print the matching word each time there is a hit then you could use a flatMap to do so in the following manner: 如果您希望每次出现匹配项时都打印匹配的单词,则可以按以下方式使用flatMap进行打印:

    .map(line -> line.split(" "))
    .map(word -> word.trim().toLowerCase())
    .filter(word -> word.equals(theWord))

And in the case you would like to print out the total occurrences of the desired word just use this one: 而且,如果您想打印出所需单词的全部出现,只需使用此单词:

    .map(line -> line.split(" "))
    .map(word -> word.trim().toLowerCase())
    .filter(word -> word.equals(theWord))

Your non-filtered output says it all. 您未过滤的输出说明了一切。 You are unintentionally comparing a string of an entire array of words instead of one word. 您无意间比较了整个单词数组而不是一个单词的字符串。

The problem lies in the map to Arrays.toString(words) . 问题在于映射到Arrays.toString(words) In this case, every element of your stream becomes a string similar to: [1, a, series, of, escapades, demonstrating, the, adage, that, what, is, good, for, the, goose, is, also, good, for, the, gander, ,, some, of, which, occasionally, amuses, but, none, of, which, amounts, to, much, of, a, story, . ] 在这种情况下,您的信息流中的每个元素都将变成类似于以下内容的字符串: [1, a, series, of, escapades, demonstrating, the, adage, that, what, is, good, for, the, goose, is, also, good, for, the, gander, ,, some, of, which, occasionally, amuses, but, none, of, which, amounts, to, much, of, a, story, . ] [1, a, series, of, escapades, demonstrating, the, adage, that, what, is, good, for, the, goose, is, also, good, for, the, gander, ,, some, of, which, occasionally, amuses, but, none, of, which, amounts, to, much, of, a, story, . ] (This is one element.) [1, a, series, of, escapades, demonstrating, the, adage, that, what, is, good, for, the, goose, is, also, good, for, the, gander, ,, some, of, which, occasionally, amuses, but, none, of, which, amounts, to, much, of, a, story, . ] (这是一个元素。)

Instead, you're looking to flatMap your lines of words into single words like so: 取而代之的是,您正在寻找将单词行flatMap为单个单词的方法,如下所示:

 lines.stream()                                     // Stream each line (each line is a string)
        .map(line -> line.split(" "))               // Map to an array of words per line
        .flatMap(lineArr -> Arrays.stream(lineArr)) // Map each word array into a stream of single words, and flatten each stream into a single one
        ...                                         // Now you can work with a stream of "single words"

Note that by "single words" above I mean anything that is between two spaces. 注意,上面的“单个单词”是指两个空格之间的任何内容。 As you can see in the above array example, you have some empty or punctuation-only entries, but that shouldn't affect your later equals comparison. 如您在上面的数组示例中看到的,您有一些空的或仅标点符号的条目,但这不会影响您以后的equals比较。

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