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将rxjs 5映射转换为rxjs 6映射

[英]Converting rxjs 5 map to rxjs 6 map

Consider the following code Angular 5 + older rxjs 考虑以下代码Angular 5 +较旧的rxjs

        res => {
            this.measurementUnits = res.map(x => new MeasurementUnit(x));

I am getting a list of objects and for each one of them creating a new strongly typed class. 我正在获取对象列表,并为每个对象创建一个新的强类型类。

How would I go about doing the same in angular 6 + rxjs 6 My attempt. 我将如何在angular 6 + rxjs 6中做同样的事情。

this.measurementUnitsService.GetAll().pipe<MeasurementUnit[]>(mergeMap(x => new MeasurementUnit(x))).subscribe(
  res => {
    this.measurementUnits = res;

It generates an error unfortunately Type 'MeasurementUnit[]' has no properties in common with type 'Partial<MeasurementUnit>'. 不幸的是,它生成错误, Type 'MeasurementUnit[]' has no properties in common with type 'Partial<MeasurementUnit>'.

MeasurementUnit just in case MeasurementUnit以防万一

export class MeasurementUnit {
Id: number;
CreatedDate: Date;
ModifiedDate: Date;
Disabled: boolean;
DisabledDate: Date;
Name: string;
Description: string;

ParentId: number;

public constructor(item: Partial<MeasurementUnit>) {
    //item.EstablishedDate = new DatePipe('en-US').transform(item.EstablishedDate, "yyyy-MM-dd");

    Object.assign(this, item);

You have an Observable<MeasurementUnit[]> not an Observable<MeasurementUnit> . 您有一个Observable<MeasurementUnit[]>而不是Observable<MeasurementUnit>

This means, that when the observable emits a value it will be an array not a single value. 这意味着,当可观察对象发出一个值时,它将是一个数组而不是单个值。 Hence, you need the normal array map, not the Observable one. 因此,您需要普通的array映射,而不是Observable array映射。

Just do: 做就是了:

    map(array => array.map(x => new MeasurementUnit(x)))
  ).subscribe(res => this.measurementUnits = res);

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