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[英]NuxtJS: EmailJS Can't Find Dependency 'fs'

⚽️ Goal ⚽️目标

Send email using emailjs in a NuxtJS application. NuxtJS应用程序中使用emailjs发送电子邮件。

👾 Problem 👾问题

Initially, fs can't be located despite being installed. 最初,尽管安装了fs但无法找到它们。

This dependency was not found: fs in ./node_modules/emailjs/smtp/message.js

According to this similar question , the problem should be solved by adding target: 'node' to webpack.config.js . 根据这个类似的问题 ,应该通过将target: 'node'添加到webpack.config.js来解决问题。 I've injected said configuration into nuxt.config.js as is the Nuxt.js way (I think) , but that generates the following error: 我说注射到配置nuxt.config.js因为是Nuxt.js方式 (我认为),但会生成以下错误:

WebpackOptionsValidationError: Invalid configuration object.
Webpack has been initialised using a configuration object that
does not match the API schema.
  - configuration.module.rules[10] has an unknown property 'target'.
    These properties are valid: object { enforce?, exclude?, include?,
    issuer?, loader?, loaders?, oneOf?, options?, parser?, query?,
    resource?, resourceQuery?, compiler?, rules?, test?, use? }

Does this mean that it's not currently possible? 这是否意味着它目前不可能? 😱 😱

⌨️ Code ⌨️代码

nuxt.config.js nuxt.config.js

build: {
  ** Run ESLint on save
  extend (config, { isDev, isClient }) {
    config.module.rules.push({target: 'node'}) // <-- Added this

    if (isDev && isClient) {
        enforce: 'pre',
        test: /\.(js|vue)$/,
        loader: 'eslint-loader',
        exclude: /(node_modules)/

investment.vue investment.vue

export default {
  asyncData ( context ) {
    let email = require('../node_modules/emailjs/email');

    console.log('process.server', process.server); // Evalutes to true

package.json 的package.json

"dependencies": {
  "emailjs": "^2.2.0",
  "fs": "^0.0.1-security",
  "net": "^1.0.2",
  "nuxt": "^1.0.0",
  "tls": "^0.0.1"

Nuxt code is divided into client and server part. Nuxt代码分为客户端和服务器部分。 You tried to use the library emailjs within a component and this is a client part. 您尝试在组件中使用库emailjs ,这是客户端部分。 It cannot access the fs library (in web). 它无法访问fs库(在Web中)。 You need to write it on the server part (eg. in express server that serves your pages. 您需要在服务器部分编写它(例如,在为您的页面提供服务的express服务器中)。

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