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Python cx_Oracle绑定变量列表

[英]Python cx_Oracle bind list of variables

How can I use bind parameters with variable parameters, for example I would prepare in python dynamically an insert all statement, and would like to bind it with rows of data. 如何将绑定参数与可变参数一起使用,例如,我将在python中动态准备一个insert all语句,并希望将其与数据行绑定。

  INTO mytable (column1, column2, column_n) VALUES (:expr[0][0], :expr[0][1], :expr[0][n])
  INTO mytable (column1, column2, column_n) VALUES (:expr[1][0], :expr[1][n], :expr[1][n])
  INTO mytable (column1, column2, column_n) VALUES (:expr[n][0], :expr[n][1], :expr[n][n])

Is this possible using cx_oracle on python? 在python上使用cx_oracle是否可能?

Interpreting your real question as 'how do I insert lots of data efficiently in cx_Oracle', the answer is not to use INSERT ALL. 将您的真实问题解释为“如何在cx_Oracle中有效地插入大量数据”,答案是不使用INSERT ALL。 Instead you should use executemany(): 相反,您应该使用executemany():

data = [
    (60, "Parent 60"),
    (70, "Parent 70"),
    (80, "Parent 80"),
    (90, "Parent 90"),
    (100, "Parent 100")

        insert into ParentTable (ParentId, Description)
        values (:1, :2)""", data)

This is all described in https://blogs.oracle.com/opal/efficient-and-scalable-batch-statement-execution-in-python-cx_oracle 所有这些都在https://blogs.oracle.com/opal/ficient-and-scalable-batch-statement-execution-in-python-cx_oracle中进行了描述

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