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ADODB 记录集不会在 MS SQL 的临时表中添加新记录

[英]ADODB Recordset Does Not Add New Records In Temporary Table in MS SQL

I want to create a temporary table with two fields "ID" and "TempData".我想创建一个包含两个字段“ID”和“TempData”的临时表。 Then wants to insert data into that table from an excel sheet through looping.然后想通过循环将数据从 excel 表中插入到该表中。 I created temporary table but when I try to add data into that table then it fails.我创建了临时表,但是当我尝试将数据添加到该表中时,它失败了。 Does anyone have idea to move an excel column values to a temporary table without looping?有没有人有想法将 excel 列值移动到临时表而不循环? Can anyone please help.任何人都可以请帮忙。


Dim dbCon As ADODB.Connection, dbt As ADODB.Recordset, dbtf As ADODB.Field, r As Range, SqlQry1 As String
Set dbCon = New ADODB.Connection
Set dbt = New ADODB.Recordset
dbCon.ConnectionString = SqlConStr
On Error GoTo CloseConnection

SqlQry1 = "Use tempdb CREATE TABLE #TempTbl ( ID INT Primary KEY IDENTITY(1,1),TempData NVARCHAR(255))"

dbCon.Execute (SqlQry1)

With dbt
    .ActiveConnection = dbCon
    .Source = "#TempTbl"
    .LockType = adLockOptimistic
    .CursorType = adOpenForwardOnly
    For Each r In ActiveSheet.Range("AE2:AE10")
        .Fields("TempData").Value = r.Value
        .Update                                               '###Here it fails
    Next r
End With

End Sub

Hope this help (I have not tested:希望这会有所帮助(我还没有测试过:


Dim dbCon As ADODB.Connection, dbt As ADODB.Recordset
Dim dbtf As ADODB.Field, r As Range, SqlQry1 As String
Dim SQLInsert$

Set dbCon = New ADODB.Connection
'Set dbt = New ADODB.Recordset

dbCon.ConnectionString = SqlConStr

On Error GoTo CloseConnection

''create table db..table
SqlQry1 = "CREATE TABLE tempdb..#TempTbl ( ID INT Primary KEY IDENTITY(1,1),TempData NVARCHAR(255))"

dbCon.Execute (SqlQry1)
dbCon.Execute "use tempdb" ' Move to tempdb

With dbt

    For Each r In ActiveSheet.Range("AE2:AE10")
        SQLInsert = "Insert into #TempTbl(TempData) values('" & Replace(""& r.Value, "'", "''") &"')"
        dbCon.Execute (SQLInsert)
    Next r
End With

End Sub

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