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[英]systemd error “failed to start service: unit service is not loaded properly: exec format error”

I can execute the exact ExecStart command from the shell and it works, but for some reason in this service file this doesnt work-- any ideas? 我可以从shell执行确切的ExecStart命令并且它可以工作,但由于某些原因,在这个服务文件中这不起作用 - 任何想法?

error: 错误:

Failed to start previewapi.service: Unit previewapi.service is not loaded properly: Exec format error.
See system logs and 'systemctl status previewapi.service' for details.

systemd .service file: systemd .service文件:

Description = preview-api
After       = network.target

ExecStart   = /usr/bin/java -jar /srv/previewapi/gn-preview-api-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar

ExecStop    = kill -INT $MAINPID
ExecReload  = kill -TERM $MAINPID

# In case if it gets stopped, restart it immediately
Restart     = always

Type        = simple

# multi-user.target corresponds to run level 3
# roughtly meaning wanted by system start
WantedBy    = multi-user.target

Ubuntu 18.04. Ubuntu 18.04。

sudo journalctl -u previewapi says: sudo journalctl -u previewapi说:

Aug 15 10:00:28 ubuntu-bionic systemd[1]: /etc/systemd/system/previewapi.service:18: Executable path is not absolute:

The problem wasn't the ExecStart , it was the ExecStop and ExecReload sections-- they need to be absolute as well. 问题不在于ExecStart ,而是ExecStopExecReload部分 - 它们也必须是绝对的。

Final version: 最终版本:

Description = preview-api
After       = network.target

ExecStart=/usr/bin/java -jar /srv/previewapi/gn-preview-api-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar
ExecStop=/bin/kill -INT $MAINPID
ExecReload=/bin/kill -TERM $MAINPID

# In case if it gets stopped, restart it immediately
Restart     = always

Type        = simple

# multi-user.target corresponds to run level 3
# roughtly meaning wanted by system start
WantedBy    = multi-user.target

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