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如何在C ++中引用类结构中的函数?

[英]How can I refer to the function in structure of class in C++?

I'd like to use the getSth function which returns struct aa type in main() . 我想使用getSth函数,该函数在main()返回struct aa类型。 Would you let me know the way to refer it? 您能让我知道引用它的方式吗?

namespace nsp {
  class A {
    struct Info {
      struct aa {
        std::string str;
        int num;
        aa(): num(0) {}
      std::vector<aa> aas;
      aa getSth();

A::Info::aa A::Info::getSth() {
aa ret;
for(auto &tmp: aas) {
  if(ret.num < aas.num)
    ret.num = aas.num;
return ret;

// main.cpp
#include info.h
namepace nsp {
  class A;
int main()
  nsp::A *instance = new nsp::A();
  // How can I refer getSth using "instance"?
  return 0;

Quite simply put, you can't . 简而言之, 你不能 You declared getSth inside a nested struct of type Info but didn't declare any data members of that type. 您在Info类型的嵌套结构中声明了getSth ,但未声明该类型的任何数据成员。 So there's no object to call nsp::A::Info::getSth against. 因此,没有对象可以调用nsp::A::Info::getSth

What's worse, you declared A as a class and didn't provide an access specifier. 更糟糕的是,您将A声明为class ,但没有提供访问说明符。 A class's members are all private without an access specifier, so getSth can't be accessed outside the class. 类的成员都是private没有访问说明符,因此无法在类外部访问getSth If you had done it this way instead: 如果您是用这种方式完成的:

class A {
  // other stuff; doesn't matter
  aa getSth();

well then, you could have accessed it from main like this: 那么,您可以像这样从main访问它:

int main()
  nsp::A *instance = new nsp::A();
  // now it's accessible
  // deliberate memory leak to infuriate pedants
  return 0;

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