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[英]Executing invoke-webrequest to get status of multple websites in Powershell

We have several websites and I don't want to check the status in powershell using invoke-webrequest -URI google.com every time. 我们有几个网站,我不想每次都使用invoke-webrequest -URI google.com检查powershell中的状态。

I drafted something like this, which isn't working and I'd like help with: 我起草了类似这样的内容,但是它不起作用,我需要以下方面的帮助:

$URLS = get-content c:\websitesaddress.txt
Invoke-webrequest -URI $urls |statuscode | export-csv c:\status.csv

I would like to check the status of several webpages and export it as CSV in the format website name, statuscode . 我想检查几个网页的状态,并以website name, statuscode的格式将其导出为CSV。

You're not far away from the answer, you just needed to get the statuscode property of the Invoke-WebRequest call, like so: 您离答案不远,您只需要获取Invoke-WebRequest调用的statuscode属性,如下所示:

Invoke-webrequest -URI $url | select statuscode

or 要么

$(Invoke-webrequest -URI $url).statuscode

And if that were to be piped into the Export-Csv cmdlet you'd only get the statuscodes, and not the url, plus the file would need to be appended to on each loop, as it stands the file would be recreated each time, only displaying the statuscode for the very last url in the file. 而且,如果将其通过管道传输到Export-Csv cmdlet中,则您只会获取状态码,而不是url,并且该文件将需要在每个循环中追加,因为这样一来,每次都会重新创建该文件,仅显示文件中最后一个URL的状态代码。

I've shown two possible approaches below: 我在下面显示了两种可能的方法:

Simple file write 简单文件写入

This approach isn't exactly the cleanest, it doesn't use the Export-Csv cmdlet 这种方法并不是最干净的,它没有使用Export-Csv cmdlet

$urls = Get-Content C:\webSiteAddress.txt

# Add the header to the file
Set-Content "C:\status.csv" -Value "URL,Status"
foreach($url in $urls)
    $status = $(Invoke-webrequest -URI $url).statuscode
    # Create the data line
    $line = "$url,$status"
    # Append the data to the file
    Add-Content "C:\status.csv" $line

Export and append to CSV 导出并追加到CSV

Using Export-Csv is a little more complicated because Export-Csv expects and object with properties as its columns. 使用Export-Csv有点复杂,因为Export-Csv期望对象以其属性为列。 On each loop, you tell the process to -Append to the existing CSV so the data isn't lost in the process. 在每个循环中,您告诉流程- -Append到现有的CSV,这样数据就不会在流程中丢失。

# Remove the file if it exists already
if ([System.IO.File]::Exists("C:\status.csv")) {Remove-Item "C:\status.csv"}

# Get the web addresses
$urls = Get-Content "C:\webSiteAddress.txt" 

# Loop over the URLs
foreach($url in $urls) {
    # Create a new object containing the url and the statuscode property
    # of an Invoke-WebRequest call. Choose the column names here by changing url,status
    New-Object PSObject -Property @{
    status=$(Invoke-webrequest -URI $url).statuscode
    } | 
    export-csv "C:\status.csv" -Append -NoTypeInformation

The second approach is preferable because it properly quotes the values in the CSV, preventing any data integrity issues. 第二种方法是可取的,因为它正确地引用了CSV中的值,从而防止了任何数据完整性问题。

You should use an foreach for that because you have a list of websites. 您应该为此使用一个foreach,因为您有一个网站列表。 So you should try something like this. 所以你应该尝试这样的事情。

$urls = Get-Content C:\webSiteAddress.txt

foreach($url in $urls)
Invoke-webrequest -URI $url |statuscode | export-csv c:\status.csv

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