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[英]App keeps getting rejected for user_friends - Facebook

Basically Facebook keeps rejecting our app for our request to utilise user_friends but won't give us any reasoning as to why, which is super helpful. 基本上,Facebook一直拒绝我们的应用程序来请求使用user_friends的请求,但不会给出任何原因的理由,这非常有用。

I'm not the most technically gifted in the world so please speak slowly and point! 我不是世界上技术上最有才华的人,所以请慢慢说并指出! The info I have is below. 我的信息如下。 Any advice is appreciated. 任何建议表示赞赏。

Thanks 谢谢

I'm using my admin account and when I try to login with 'user_friends' permissions error appears. 我正在使用我的管理员帐户,当我尝试使用'user_friends'权限登录时,出现错误消息。

Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

guard let viewController = view as? UIViewController else { return }
  let fbLoginManager = FBSDKLoginManager()
  fbLoginManager.loginBehavior = FBSDKLoginBehavior.native
  view?.setupStatusBar(style: .default)
  fbLoginManager.logIn(withReadPermissions: [“user_friends”], from: 
viewController) { (result, error) in


Here is the error message 这是错误消息

You are getting this error because your app isn't approved yet. 您收到此错误是因为您的应用尚未获得批准。

There is a really bad UX regarding the new Facebook app review, but you'll find informations regarding your review in your inbox on the developer app page . 关于新的Facebook应用程序评论,UX确实很糟糕,但是您可以在开发人员应用程序页面上的收件箱中找到有关您的评论的信息。 You will probably have to do the business verification if you haven't already. 如果您还没有的话,可能需要进行业务验证。


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