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在 golang jwt-go 中解码 JWT

[英]Decode JWT in golang jwt-go

What's the equivalent of this code ( https://github.com/auth0/java-jwt ) in golang --- jwt-go library golang 中这段代码( https://github.com/auth0/java-jwt )的等价物是什么 --- jwt-go 库

  DecodedJWT jwt = JWT.decode(token);

in golang's jwt-go library, when I have to parse the token I need to have the verification key which is not required in the java library.在 golang 的 jwt-go 库中,当我必须解析令牌时,我需要拥有 java 库中不需要的验证密钥。

From docs at :从文档

func (p *Parser) ParseUnverified(tokenString string, claims Claims) (token *Token, parts []string, err error)

WARNING: Don't use this method unless you know what you're doing.警告:除非您知道自己在做什么,否则不要使用此方法。

This method parses the token but doesn't validate the signature.此方法解析令牌但不验证签名。 It's only ever useful in cases where you know the signature is valid (because it has been checked previously in the stack) and you want to extract values from it.它仅在您知道签名有效(因为之前已在堆栈中检查过)并且您想从中提取值的情况下才有用。

[example] [例子]

I came across a similar use case where I wanted to validate an access-token and extract fields(such as: iss , sub , aud , exp , iat , jti , etc..) from it after parsing.我遇到了一个类似的用例,我想在解析后验证访问令牌并从中提取字段(例如: isssubaudexpiatjti等)。 For my use case, I have used jwx and jwt-go lib.对于我的用例,我使用了jwxjwt-go lib。

Here is the code snippet which worked for me.这是对我有用的代码片段。

Code snippet代码片段

go.mod file go.mod 文件
module my-go-module

go 1.16

require (
    github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go v3.2.0+incompatible
    github.com/lestrrat-go/jwx v1.0.4
main package主包
package main

import (


func main() {
    jwksURL := "https://your-tenant.auth0.com/.well-known/jwks.json"

    keySet, _ := jwk.Fetch(jwksURL)
    var accessToken = "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ind5TXdLNEE2Q0w5UXcxMXVvZlZleVExMTlYeVgteHlreW1ra1h5Z1o1T00ifQ.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.OtVyCK0sE6Cuclg9VMD2AwLhqEyq2nv3a1bfxlzeS-bdu9KtYxcPSxJ6vxMcSSbMIIq9eEz9JFMU80zqgDPHBCjlOsC5SIPz7mm1Z3gCwq4zsFJ-2NIzYxA3p161ZRsPv_3bUyg9B_DPFyBoihgwWm6yrvrb4rmHXrDkjxpxCLPp3OeIpc_kb2t8r5HEQ5UBZPrsiScvuoVW13YwWpze59qBl_84n9xdmQ5pS7DklzkAVgqJT_NWBlb5uo6eW26HtJwHzss7xOIdQtcOtC1Gj3O82a55VJSQnsEEBeqG1ESb5Haq_hJgxYQnBssKydPCIxdZiye-0Ll9L8wWwpzwig"
    token, err := validate(accessToken, keySet)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Gor an error while validating an access token: %v\n", err)

    // Check if the token is valid.
    if !token.Valid {
        fmt.Println("The token is not valid.")

    // Extract key value from the token and print them on console
    claims := token.Claims.(jwt.MapClaims)
    for key, value := range claims {
        fmt.Printf("%s\t%v\n", key, value)

func validate(tokenString string, keySet *jwk.Set) (*jwt.Token, error) {
    tkn, err := jwt.Parse(tokenString, func(token *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) {
        if token.Method.Alg() != jwa.RS256.String() { 
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected signing method: %v", token.Header["alg"])
        kid, ok := token.Header["kid"].(string)
        if !ok {
            return nil, errors.New("kid header not found")
        keys := keySet.LookupKeyID(kid)
        if len(keys) == 0 {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("key %v not found", kid)
        var raw interface{}
        return raw, keys[0].Raw(&raw)
    return tkn, err

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