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[英]JavaScript click event timer going fast

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I make the timer function and it's look like this. 我使计时器功能,它看起来像这样。

function timer() {

    seconds += 1;
    timerPrint = setTimeout(timer, 1000);

Every one second It will count the one second. 每隔一秒钟就会计算一秒钟。

And I put it in the click event function because I want to make it when I click the li element the game will be start and Timer goes up. 我将它放在click事件函数中是因为当我单击li元素时,我想创建它,游戏将开始并且Timer计时到。

$(document).ready(function () {

    let clickhold = [];
    $('.card').click(function () {

        // Push the card to compare each other

        // Card Open
        $(this).addClass("open show");
        if (clickhold.length == 2) {
            // Call moves Function to count move and stars.
            if (clickhold[0] === clickhold[1]) {
                $('.open.show').removeClass("open show").addClass("match");
                clickhold = [];
            } else {
                console.log('not matched');
                clickhold = [];
                let ele = $('.card');
                setTimeout(function () {
                    ele.removeClass("open show");
                }, 1000);


But the problem is that when I click each li element. 但是问题是当我单击每个li元素时。 Timer function will called again again so the counter goes faster. 定时器功能将再次被调用,因此计数器运行更快。 Not each 1 second. 并非每个1秒。 But I don't have any idea of this. 但是我对此一无所知。

Just check to see if timer already exists, and if it does, simply return: 只需检查计时器是否已经存在,如果存在,只需返回:

function timer() {
    if (timerPrint) {
    seconds += 1;
    timerPrint = setTimeout(timer, 1000);

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