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[英]Plotting Eye Diagram from ADS Data in MATLAB

I have a data file ( Sample_Eye_1.txt ) which I obtained from the simulation plot of ADS Keysight. 我有一个数据文件Sample_Eye_1.txt ),该文件是从ADS是德科技的模拟图获得的。 It has 3 fields - "Index", "Time" and "Voltage" . 它具有3个字段- "Index", "Time" and "Voltage" Now the eye diagram plot will be voltage vs time . 现在眼图将是voltage vs time There can be different voltages at the same time at only different index. 同一时间只能以不同的指标存在不同的电压。 So index can be seen as a data filter field or similar like that. 因此,索引可以看作是数据过滤器字段或类似的字段。 The plot in ADS simulation is the following ADS模拟中的图如下


You can see that the line plot is plotted like it is superimposed on different lines. 您可以看到折线图的绘制就像叠加在不同的线上一样。

Now when I plot data in MATLAB voltage vs time , it is not superimposed somehow. 现在,当我在MATLAB voltage vs time绘制数据voltage vs time ,它不会以某种方式叠加。 This is the plot generated plot of my matlab code which is just simple xy plot. 这是我的matlab代码生成的图,它只是简单的xy图。


My MATLAB code: 我的MATLAB代码:

% open data file
fid = fopen('Sample_Eye_1.txt');

% Read data in from csv file
readData = textscan(fid,'%f %f %f','Headerlines',1,'Delimiter',',');

% Extract data from readData
index_Data = readData{1,1}(:,1);
xData = readData{1,2}(:,1);
yData = readData{1,3}(:,1);

% Plot Data
f1 = figure(1);
cla; hold on; grid on;
%set(gca, 'XTick',[0 5 10 15 20 25 30]);

title('Eye Diagram')

Can anyone help me to generate the plot like the plot of ADS simulation plot? 谁能帮助我生成类似于ADS仿真图的图?

Note: The data is big (around 2.7 Mb). 注意:数据很大(大约2.7 Mb)。 If I truncate the data, the problem cannot be fully understood. 如果我截断数据,则无法完全理解该问题。

Your code is fine, the problem is due to the way you plot the data. 您的代码很好,问题出在您绘制数据的方式上。


connects all the points with a line segment, this implies that the "holes" of the eye diagram are "closed" when the lines cross them. 用线段连接所有点,这意味着眼图的“孔”在线交叉时被“封闭”。

You can obtain the expected plot, by simply change the "lines" with "dots" 您可以通过简单地将“线”更改为“点”来获得预期的图


If you want to have a plot more "similar" to the reference one, you can identify the input points with the same index an plot them (again, with "dots") in a loop in which, at each iteration you can change the colot of the dots. 如果您想让绘图与参考绘图更“相似”,则可以标识具有相同索引的输入点,并在循环中对它们进行绘图(再次用“点”标记),在该循环中,每次迭代都可以更改点的colot。

In the following, you can find an updated versin of your code in which the loop is used to plot the data. 在下面的内容中,您可以找到代码的更新版本,其中使用循环来绘制数据。

Edit to answer the comment 编辑以回答评论

In general, you can specify the color of the marker by setting the color property either by specifying the "name" of the color or its RGB triplet ( ref. to the "plot" function documentation for the details ). 通常,可以通过设置color属性来指定标记的color方法是指定color的“名称”或其RGB三元组( 有关详细信息,请参见“图”功能文档 )。

In your case, the "unique" indices are 16 whike the available "name" of the color are only 8 therefore you have to define the 16 color by defining explicitly the RGB triplet (which can be boring). 在您的情况下,“唯一”索引为16,而颜色的可用“名称”仅为8,因此您必须通过显式定义RGB三元组(这可能很无聊)来定义16种颜色。

Notice, that the most of your data correspond to the first three indices, so, you could define three colors and let the other be random. 请注意,您的大部分数据对应于前三个索引,因此,您可以定义三种颜色,而让另一种是随机的。

In the updated version of the code I've used this approach, defining the matrix dot_color as follows 在代码的更新版本中,我使用了这种方法,如下定义矩阵dot_color

dot_color=[0 0 .5
           .5 .9 .9
           0.9 .5 0

this means, I've chosed the first three color and used random numbers for the others. 这意味着,我选择了前三种颜色,而其他颜色使用了随机数。

Of course, you can "manually define also the other colors (the value of each entry in the matrix should range between 0 and 1). 当然,您也可以“手动定义其他颜色(矩阵中每个条目的值应在0到1之间)。

fid = fopen('Sample_Eye_1.txt');
% Read data in from csv file
readData = textscan(fid,'%f %f %f','Headerlines',1,'Delimiter',',');

% Extract data from readData
index_Data = readData{1,1}(:,1);
% Identify the unique indices

xData = readData{1,2}(:,1);
yData = readData{1,3}(:,1);

% Plot Data
f1 = figure(1);
cla; hold on; grid on;
%set(gca, 'XTick',[0 5 10 15 20 25 30]);
% plot(xData,yData,'r-');
% Loop over the indices to plot the corresponding data

% Define the color of the dots
dot_color=[0 0 .5
           .5 .9 .9
           0.9 .5 0
for i=1:length(uni_idx)
   idx=find(index_Data == uni_idx(i));
%    plot(readData{1,2}(idx,1),readData{1,3}(idx,1),'.')

title('Eye Diagram')


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