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Android NDK 构建 cmake 包含 .aar 库中包含的 .so 库

[英]Android NDK build cmake include .so library included in .aar library

I have an android_library.aar file that containing library.so and some other resources and java files.我有一个包含library.so和其他一些资源和 java 文件的android_library.aar文件。

I imported android_library.aar to my project.我将android_library.aar导入到我的项目中。 My project uses c++ code with NDK.我的项目使用带有 NDK 的 C++ 代码。 My problem is I can not compile C++ code that dependent with library.so with CMake.我的问题是我无法使用 CMake 编译依赖于library.so 的C++ 代码。 How could I extract library.so from aar before CMake compile?如何在 CMake 编译之前从aar 中提取library.so I want to include library.so to my C++ code directly without java.我想在没有 java 的情况下直接将library.so包含到我的 C++ 代码中。 I know how to include .so in a project but I don't know how to do it from inside of aar.我知道如何将.so包含在项目中,但我不知道如何从 aar 内部进行。

I found a solution on my own after 1-week research.经过 1 周的研究,我自己找到了解决方案。 I found some code from Google GVR code.我从 Google GVR 代码中找到了一些代码。 But it hasn't worked for my case.但这对我的情况不起作用。 I changed build.dependsOn to preBuild.dependsOn then it worked.我将build.dependsOn更改为preBuild.dependsOn然后它起作用了。 It might help some people in the future.它可能会在未来帮助一些人。

Here is the example code:这是示例代码:

In the module's build.gradle file:在模块的 build.gradle 文件中:

sourceSets {
    main {
        jniLibs.srcDirs = ["jniLibs"]

task extractSo(type: Copy) {
    println 'Extracting *.so file(s)....'

    from zipTree("${project.rootDir}/ModuleName/ModuleName.aar")
    into "${project.rootDir}/${project.name}/src/main/jniLibs/"
    include "jni/**/*.so"

    eachFile {
        def segments = it.getRelativePath().getSegments() as List
        println segments
        return it
    includeEmptyDirs = false

preBuild.dependsOn extractSo

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