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[英]Could anyone give me some solutions to open Chrome with an automated RPA solution tool?

I am using a RPA Solution tool people are not familiar with. 我使用的是人们不熟悉的RPA解决方案工具。 But the thing is, I tried to open Chrome through the RPA Solution tool or program but is receiving this message: Chrome is being controlled by automated test software. 但问题是,我试图通过RPA解决方案工具或程序打开Chrome,但收到此消息:Chrome由自动测试软件控制。

cmd shows a message of : cmd显示以下消息:

Starting ChromeDriver 2.36.540470 (e522d04694c7ebea4ba8821272dbef4f9b818c91) on port 62023
Only local connections are allowed.
[6036:12108:0821/085345.853:ERROR:install_util.cc(603)] Failed to read HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome\MachineLevelUserCloudPolicyEnrollmentToken: The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2)
[6036:12108:0821/085345.853:ERROR:configuration_policy_handler_list.cc(91)] Unknown policy: AlwaysAuthorizePlugins
[6036:12108:0821/085345.853:ERROR:configuration_policy_handler_list.cc(91)] Unknown policy: DisablePluginFinder
[6036:12108:0821/085345.853:ERROR:configuration_policy_handler_list.cc(91)] Unknown policy: PasswordManagerAllowShowPasswords
[6036:12108:0821/085345.994:ERROR:configuration_policy_handler_list.cc(91)] Unknown policy: AlwaysAuthorizePlugins
[6036:12108:0821/085345.994:ERROR:configuration_policy_handler_list.cc(91)] Unknown policy: DisablePluginFinder
[6036:12108:0821/085345.994:ERROR:configuration_policy_handler_list.cc(91)] Unknown policy: PasswordManagerAllowShowPasswords

DevTools listening on ws://
[6036:17560:0821/085346.865:ERROR:browser_gpu_channel_host_factory.cc(119)] Failed to launch GPU process.
[6036:12108:0821/085346.865:ERROR:gpu_process_transport_factory.cc(1016)] Lost UI shared context.
[1534809826.362][SEVERE]: Timed out receiving message from renderer: 600.000

could any developers give me some solution? 任何开发人员都可以给我一些解决方案吗?

ps. PS。 it is not common solution tools such as blueprism. 它不是诸如blueprism之类的通用解决方案工具。

This github bug report might help you. 该github错误报告可能会为您提供帮助。 It reads: 内容为:


Can you please test it and get back to us with the result(s)? 您能否对其进行测试,然后将结果反馈给我们?

Generally While doing Web Automation using BluePrism, by default it will gives you the iexplore.exe's path. 通常,在使用BluePrism进行Web自动化时,默认情况下,它将为您提供iexplore.exe的路径。

You just need to change iexplore.exe's path with googlechrome.exe's path. 您只需要使用googlechrome.exe的路径更改iexplore.exe的路径即可。

And when you execute launch action (as per Blue Prism), the site will get open in google chrome. 而且,当您执行启动操作(根据Blue Prism)时,该网站将在Google chrome中打开。


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