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AWS S3存储桶预签名URL

[英]AWS S3 Bucket Presigned URL

I am trying to create Presigned URLs for users to access content from an S3 bucket. 我正在尝试为用户创建预签名URL,以便从S3存储桶访问内容。

The below code was working fine and all of a sudden I am getting the below error when opening any pre-signed URL that is created. 下面的代码工作正常,突然间,打开创建的任何预签名URL时,我收到以下错误。

public function getPresignedUri($p)
    $s3 = new S3Client([
        'region'  => getenv('S3_REGION'),
        'version' => 'latest',

    $cmd = $s3->getCommand('GetObject', [
      'Bucket' => getenv('S3_BUCKET'),
      'Key'    => 'casts/'. $p['file']

    $request = $s3->createPresignedRequest($cmd, '+1 hour');

    return (string) $request->getUri();

 <Error><Code>SignatureDoesNotMatch</Code><Message>The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.</Message><AWSAccessKeyId>ASIA3DM6Y5GJC4FYJAFC</AWSAccessKeyId><StringToSign>AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 20180821T072223Z 20180821/ap-southeast-2/s3/aws4_request fc4f1139d3b146ae027bd0bfc0b3d6dacda81d711b062e0d93a65d04a61aa268</StringToSign><SignatureProvided>5f5d3ae9ef3d9cdfc0d039c39302c584dcfc93f5a94a0f1770bf6781d6958198</SignatureProvided><StringToSignBytes>41 57 53 34 2d 48 4d 41 43 2d 53 48 41 32 35 36 0a 32 30 31 38 30 38 32 31 54 30 37 32 32 32 33 5a 0a 32 30 31 38 30 38 32 31 2f 61 70 2d 73 6f 75 74 68 65 61 73 74 2d 32 2f 73 33 2f 61 77 73 34 5f 72 65 71 75 65 73 74 0a 66 63 34 66 31 31 33 39 64 33 62 31 34 36 61 65 30 32 37 62 64 30 62 66 63 30 62 33 64 36 64 61 63 64 61 38 31 64 37 31 31 62 30 36 32 65 30 64 39 33 61 36 35 64 30 34 61 36 31 61 61 32 36 38</StringToSignBytes><CanonicalRequest>GET /casts/5B735D22BCB17.mp4 X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Content-Sha256=UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD&X-Amz-Credential=ASIA3DM6Y5GJC4FYJAFC%2F20180821%2Fap-southeast-2%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20180821T072223Z&X-Amz-Expires=3600&X-Amz-Security-Token=FQoGZXIvYXdzEPn%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2FwEaDEMaw7h8OwK6f6QN0SLBA4%2B9LzXs7OMNjW7HDqr1jhuK%2FshbOMDBoF00GHqTWUuJWXQuL4ptYpvWRjwpris0USWPMTx0O3WeKacvtw6oN2M1KRoUe3IcNOpFwaixKw8%2Fo5FKXK%2BSCo%2F7U%2B76V4aEFuuWEZkC5qhm9R7ChB7vDNTlmYXx2GOzL2uZYV8dZrAnrUfU5qWpyI4IQb8DvPnpDWB0OgA2SRvuGzkwkVLEtMmHS2SMU32gwX2Oy6YnMswWZeqVQ%2FovfWbxd5AA4O%2BFNQfcNM5l4jsuR2zV8FiKZ3jQRLgfQx5uvydv6FFzb90SDbvUjZd0aAsR1Mre%2FnoQodezAm0xoA5618%2FWd%2BIh3jouN2RflRM3II8UXCWzFFq2NL%2FxweJu2mYXfKNpTkqOEls5dFMo2OWQa3IGXJqT3EZEZKXcQ3z%2F2aOP%2Fyw%2F2GtPdQrdJziwN4lTXyl6%2FGZYd968yjlU6pIk6vB0NVq9q3wKjBiwlsfGTlaJnFJH7DD%2FIY4U6fYOmvAcGnoozAbIcqDZpDPNrvZX75tzSatHHLyQoF56STZPhWK7cCWEo2JWAzg6NE4xBmypFG%2Bkxtv0QtrcUNYD35FvFGbjheUhMnyOKOTz7tsF&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host host:app-assets-dev-ap-southeast-2-cmpny.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com host UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD</CanonicalRequest> 

AWS SDK verison aws/aws-sdk-php (3.65.0) AWS开发工具包Verison AWS / AWS-SDK-PHP(3.65.0)

One small difference I can see in the URL is that when it was working it had 我在网址中看到的一个小区别是,它在工作时

X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host X-AMZ-SignedHeaders =主机

and now it has 现在它有

X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host%3Bx-amz-security-token X-AMZ-SignedHeaders =主机%3BX-AMZ-安全令牌

Although not sure what could be causing that extra string?? 尽管不确定是什么导致了额外的字符串?

EDIT 1: 编辑1:

I identified that this issue was due to the SDK version 3.65 ... when I rolled back to 3.31 there was no issue. 我确定此问题是由于SDK版本3.65导致的……当我回滚到3.31时,没有问题。

However I am not marking this as resolved as I would like to know why a small version change like this made such a big difference and error? 但是,我没有将此标记为已解决,因为我想知道为什么像这样的小版本更改会产生如此大的差异和错误?

I can see there is major differences in the src/Signature/SignatureS4.php file specifically: 我可以看到src / Signature / SignatureS4.php文件中存在主要区别:

$parsed['query']['X-Amz-SignedHeaders'] = 'host'; (V3.31)


$parsed['query']['X-Amz-SignedHeaders'] = implode(';', $this->getPresignHeaders($parsed['headers'])); (V3.65)

however that line alone didn't fix - replacing the whole file did fix the error. 但是,仅此行无法解决-替换整个文件确实可以修复该错误。

I logged this issue on Github - https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-php/issues/1609 我在Github上记录了这个问题-https: //github.com/aws/aws-sdk-php/issues/1609

And it was tested, confirmed and resolved very quickly - https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-php/pull/1610 它已经过测试,确认和快速解决-https: //github.com/aws/aws-sdk-php/pull/1610

This is resolved. 解决了。

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