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[英]Applying bandpass in the Fourier for my signal in matlab

I'm trying to apply a bandpass around freq 0 without luck. 我正在尝试在频率0附近应用带通,但没有运气。 I'd be happy to receive some help please 我很乐意得到帮助

x=scan11(1,:)*1e-3/3e8; y=scan11(2,:);
plot(x,y)  % my function

plot(ff,abs(XX))  % gives the Fourier transform

I want to choose the freq around 0. let's suppose -1e13 till 1e13 and than to make ifft and to plot the signal after this filer. 我想在0附近选择频率。让我们假设-1e13到1e13,然后进行ifft并在此文件管理器之后绘制信号。

How should I start doing this? 我应该如何开始呢? the command 命令

YY=bandpass(y,[-1e13 1e13],1/mean(diff(x)))

didn't help here unfortunately. 不幸的是,这里没有帮助。

Since, i can't upload here files, here is also my question on matlab forum with all the files 由于我无法在此处上传文件,这也是我在Matlab论坛上与所有文件有关的问题

matlab link Matlab链接

I am not sure what the contents of the trans_fourier function exactly are, but in 'plain matlab functions', you could attempt something along the lines of the following. 我不确定trans_fourier函数的内容到底是什么,但是在“普通matlab函数”中,您可以按照以下方式尝试一些操作。

Nt = 1024;                     % Number of samples
Fs = 10;                       % Sampling frequency (samples / second)
t = (0:Nt-1)/Fs;               % Time array
x = sin(t/10);                 % Low-frequency signal
x = x + 0.25*randn(1,Nt);      % add some noise

X = fftshift(fft(x));          % FFT of signal with 0 Hz centered
fr = (-Nt/2 : Nt/2-1)/(Nt/Fs); % Frequency axis

% Filter: squared cosine (edit as desired)
fsl = 10;                      % Length of filter slope, in samples
filt = zeros(size(X));
filt(Nt/2+1+(-fsl:fsl)) = cos( linspace(-pi/2,pi/2,2*fsl+1) ).^2;

x_filt = real(ifft(ifftshift( filt.*X ))); % Filtered x

subplot(2,2,1); plot(t,x);             ax=axis;  title('original signal');
subplot(2,2,4); plot(t,x_filt);        axis(ax); title('Low-pass filtered signal');
subplot(2,2,2); plot(fr,abs(X));       ax=axis;  title('original amplitude spectrum');
subplot(2,2,3); plot(fr,abs(X).*filt); axis(ax); title('Filtered amplitude spectrum');

I am not sure what exactly you meant when you said 我不确定你说的是什么意思

let's suppose -1e13 till 1e13 假设-1e13至1e13

, but keep in mind that extracting a single fourier component (essentially setting all values of the spectrum to zero, except the one you are interested in) acts as a brick-wall filter, and you will get considerable artefacts if you take the inverse transform. ,但是请记住,提取单个傅立叶分量(基本上将频谱中的所有值设置为零,除了您感兴趣的那个值之外)都可以用作砖墙过滤器,并且如果进行逆变换,将会得到相当大的伪像。 。 Refer to this topic or this page if you're interested. 如果有兴趣,请参考本主题本页

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