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如何在 Drupal 6 中添加访问自定义 tpl 页面的用户权限?

[英]How to add an user right to access a customized tpl page in Drupal 6?

I am new to Drupal and there is an already existing Drupal site I need to maintain.我是 Drupal 的新手,我需要维护一个已经存在的 Drupal 站点。 After an user logins, there is a link in menu which connects a node with customized tpl page code.用户登录后,菜单中有一个链接,该链接将带有自定义 tpl 页面代码的节点连接起来。 I create a new user but the new user doesn't have the right to access this page.我创建了一个新用户,但新用户无权访问此页面。 The customized tpl page is a view data page, and even I "edit" it in the page, it doesn't show any option or user right to choose.自定义的tpl页面是一个查看数据页面,即使我在页面中“编辑”它,它也不显示任何选项或用户选择权。 Where can I set this up?我可以在哪里设置? Thanks.谢谢。

If page is a view when you edit it under "Basic settings" you have option "Access" where you can set who can see that page by permission or by role.如果在“基本设置”下编辑页面时页面是视图,您可以选择“访问”选项,您可以在其中设置谁可以按权限或角色查看该页面。 So you have to limit access there and then you have to give your user role you selected if you want to allow him access to that page.所以你必须限制那里的访问,然后你必须给你选择的用户角色,如果你想允许他访问那个页面。

You can ie create new role for that purpose, assign it to all users you want to allow accessing that page and then in view, as I described allow access only to that role.您可以即为此目的创建新角色,将其分配给您希望允许访问该页面的所有用户,然后在视图中,正如我所描述的,只允许访问该角色。

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