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Oracle Apex中的柱形图

[英]Column chart in oracle apex

I want to create a vertical column chart in Apex 4.2. 我想在Apex 4.2中创建一个垂直柱形图。 The width of each column should be set to 1 or 2 so that it will look like a line and not like column. 每列的宽度应设置为1或2,以使其看起来像一条线而不是列。 How can this be achieved in Apex? 在Apex中如何实现?

Huh, I don't have 4.2 any more, but - have a look at the Chart Settings. ,我不再有4.2,但是-查看“图表设置”。 At the bottom of the list, there should be "Custom XML" (or something like that) which is disabled by default. 在列表的底部,应该有默认情况下禁用的“自定义XML”(或类似名称)。

You can enable it (by clicking the checkbox, I think) and Apex will let you modify it. 您可以启用它(我想通过单击复选框),Apex将允许您对其进行修改。

In there, you'll see different options; 在那儿,您会看到不同的选项; read it carefully, perhaps you'll find the setting you're looking for. 仔细阅读,也许您会找到所需的设置。 Or, if you know how to exactly do it, you can type it directly. 或者,如果您知道该怎么做,则可以直接输入。

Note that - if you change your mind and switch the Custom XML off, Apex will restore chart default settings (at least, I think so) and everything you changed so far will be lost. 请注意-如果您改变主意并关闭“自定义XML”,Apex将恢复图表默认设置(至少,我认为是这样),到目前为止所做的所有更改都将丢失。 So - create a backup copy of your custom XML, just in case. 因此,以防万一,请创建您的自定义XML的备份副本。

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