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[英]Vue.js adding an element to an array from another array

I want to add an element to an array in my data function inside the Vue instance, from another array that i create in a separate method in my methods object, Here is my code 我想从我在我的方法对象的单独方法中创建的另一个数组中,向Vue实例内的数据函数中的数组添加元素,这是我的代码

 export default { data(){ return { names: ['Obama','kenedy','lincolen','bush'] } }, methods: { addItem(){ let funnyPeople = ['Donald Duck','Tom','Jerry','Donald Trump'] funnyPeople.forEach(name => { this.names.push(name); }) } } } 
 <template> <div> <ul> <li v-for="name in names">{{ name }}</li> </ul> <button @click="addItem">add Item</button> </div> </template> 

Now, whenever I click on the add item button, it add all the name at once, this obviously is not the behavior that I want, I want to add one name at a time. 现在,每当我单击添加项目按钮时,它都会立即添加所有名称,这显然不是我想要的行为,我想一次添加一个名称。 thanks in advance 提前致谢

This fiddle shows one way of doing it 这个小提琴显示了一种实现方式

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
    return {
      names: ['Obama','kenedy','lincolen','bush'],
      funnyPeople: ['Donald Duck','Tom','Jerry','Donald Trump']
  methods: {
      if(this.funnyPeople.length > 0) {

First of wall you should store the funnyPeople as a prop in data option and not re-declare it each time you access addItem method. 首先,您应该将funnyPeople作为prop存储在data选项中,并且不要在每次访问addItem方法时都重新声明它。

My method gets the first element from the funnyPeople array, pushes it in the names array and then removes it from the funnyPeople array. 我的方法从funnyPeople数组中获取第一个元素,将其推入names数组,然后将其从funnyPeople数组中删除。

This is just one of the many ways to do it. 这只是多种方法之一。

You could simply take the first element of your array with funnyPeople[0] and always splice the array afterwards using funnyPeople.splice(0, 1) . 您可以简单地使用funnyPeople[0]funnyPeople[0]数组的第一个元素,然后始终使用funnyPeople.splice(0, 1)来对数组进行funnyPeople.splice(0, 1) The downside of this approach is that in the end you have an empty array so you have to check the length of the array. 这种方法的缺点是最后您有一个空数组,因此您必须检查数组的长度。 Furthermore, if your array is bigger this is possibly very slow since the array has to be recreated every time. 此外,如果您的数组较大,这可能会很慢,因为每次都必须重新创建该数组。 Alternatively, you could work with an index which is incremented every iteration. 或者,您可以使用在每次迭代中递增的索引。

Use arr.slice() and additional data. 使用arr.slice()和其他数据。

export default {
    return {
      names: ['Obama','kenedy','lincolen','bush'],
      count: 0
  methods: {
      let funnyPeople = ['Donald Duck','Tom','Jerry','Donald Trump']
      if(this.count < funnyPeople.length) {
          let addItem = funnyPeople.slice(this.count, this.count + 1);
      } else {
         console.log('all items are added');
         return true;

And if you declare finalArray in your data instead doing it inside of your method then use arr.splice() : 而且,如果您在数据中声明finalArray而不是在方法内部进行操作,请使用arr.splice()

export default {
        return {
          names: ['Obama','kenedy','lincolen','bush'],
          funnyPeople: ['Donald Duck','Tom','Jerry','Donald Trump']
      methods: {
          if(this.funnyPeople.length) {
              let addItem = funnyPeople.splice(0, 1);
          } else {
             console.log('all items are added');
             return true;

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