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match_phrase elasticsearch中的可选术语

[英]Optional terms in match_phrase elasticsearch

I am using elasticsearch 6 and have the following query 我正在使用elasticsearch 6并有以下查询

                 "query":"One two three",
                 "query":"one two three",


This works well when I want to match on the two fields with the terms in the query. 当我想在两个字段上与查询中的术语进行匹配时,此方法效果很好。

However if I have a document which has term 'one' and 'two' in fieldOne the above does not return results as 'three' is required 但是,如果我在fieldOne中有一个术语为“一”和“二”的文档,则上面的结果不会返回结果,因为需要“三”

I cannot seems to find a way of making the terms in the query optional eg what I wanted is to say find any of the terms in those two fields 我似乎找不到一种使查询中的术语可选的方式,例如,我要说的是在这两个字段中找到任何术语

The reason I went with match_phrase is the use of the slop which allows the terms to be in different positions in the field which i also require 我使用match_phrase的原因是使用slop,它允许术语在字段中的不同位置,我也需要

if the order is not important to use, you don't need to use match_phrase , a simple match query does the job 如果使用顺序不重要,则无需使用match_phrase ,简单的match查询即可完成工作

             "query":"one two three"

Then if you need at least two terms to match you can do so using minimum_should_match : 然后,如果您需要至少两个词来匹配,则可以使用minimum_should_match

             "query":"one two three",
             "minimum_should_match": 2

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