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[英]Expo.launchCameraAsync custom image view?

I am creating camera feature for my app so that after the user takes the photo, they can rescale and move it around a bounding box. 我正在为我的应用程序创建相机功能,以便用户拍摄照片后,他们可以重新缩放并在边框周围移动。 Expo have an out of box API that does what I want: Expo会有一个开箱即用的API,可以满足我的需求:

ImagePicker.launchCameraAsync({ allowsEditing: true, aspect: [4,3] })

but I would also like the camera screen itself to be full screen, so no black bars on top and bottom, I have the view here: 但是我也希望相机屏幕本身是全屏的,所以顶部和底部没有黑条,我在这里有视图:

import { ImagePicker, Camera, Permissions, FileSystem } from 'expo';

    <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
            style = {{ flex: 1 }} 
            type  = {this.state.type}
            ref   = {ref => { this.camera = ref }} 
            <View style={camera.container}>
                    style = {this.state.css.touchable}

                <Button transparent
                    onPress = {this.onSnapShot}
                    style   = {[camera.buttonContainer, this.state.css.button]}
                        name  = 'circle' 
                        size  = {fonts.camera} 
                        color = {colors.wineWhite}

The detail isn't important, the point is that I can create a Camera view. 细节并不重要,关键是我可以创建“ Camera视图。 Now the question is is there a way to pass in this camera view into launchCameraAsync ? 现在的问题是,有没有办法将此相机视图传递给launchCameraAsync The documentation does not seem to provide a solution. 该文档似乎没有提供解决方案。

I think this combinition is not possible. 我认为这种组合是不可能的。

ImagePicker.launchCameraAsync({ allowsEditing: true, aspect: [4,3] }) is calling a full capsuled expo component. ImagePicker.launchCameraAsync({ allowsEditing: true, aspect: [4,3] })正在调用完整封装的expo组件。

If you want to create a customized view, you have to handle all states and video/photo actions by you're own. 如果要创建自定义视图,则必须自己处理所有状态和视频/照片操作。

Try launching an ImageManipulator after the picture is taken. 拍照后,尝试启动ImageManipulator After calling takePictureAsync, wait for the promise to resolve, then you'll get the local uri of the image, being able to pass that to the ImageManipulator. 调用takePictureAsync之后,等待promise解析,然后您将获得图像的本地uri,并将其传递给ImageManipulator。

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