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Dart for Web REST API登录示例

[英]Dart for Web REST API Login Example

There doesn't seem to be any examples of how to handle a login with a backend rest api with Dart. 似乎没有任何示例可以说明如何通过Dart使用后端rest api处理登录。 They all seem to either be a service or firebase. 它们似乎都是服务或火力基地。 Does anyone know of any good examples of a dart for web login using a backend API? 有谁知道使用后端API进行网络登录的飞镖的好示例吗? Found this for Flutter https://medium.com/@kashifmin/flutter-login-app-using-rest-api-and-sqflite-b4815aed2149 , but didn't know if there was an equivalent for Dart for Web. 为Flutter找到了这个https://medium.com/@kashifmin/flutter-login-app-using-rest-api-and-sqflite-b4815aed2149 ,但是不知道Dart for Web是否具有等效功能。

Use the dart:html HttpRequest class itself 使用dart:html HttpRequest类本身

https://api.dartlang.org/stable/2.0.0/dart-html/HttpRequest-class.html https://api.dartlang.org/stable/2.0.0/dart-html/HttpRequest-class.html

Web login shouldn't have anything specific for typical GET/POST requests. 网络登录不应具有特定于典型的GET / POST请求的任何内容。 There are a couple of nice articles you can follow there. 您可以在此处关注几篇不错的文章。

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