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[英]Binary search tree not loading insert values into tree

My problem is trying to get functions treeLeavesCount() and treeNodeCount() to return a value of leaves and nodes in the tree but, my issue is after providing values through a while loop using an insert() function, the tree seems to stay empty and I know this by using an isEmpty() function before and after inserting values into the tree. 我的问题是尝试让函数treeLeavesCount()treeNodeCount()返回树中的叶子和节点的值,但是,我的问题是在使用insert()函数通过while循环提供值之后,树似乎保持为空我通过在树中插入值之前和之后使用isEmpty()函数来知道这一点。

main.cpp main.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include "binaryTreeType.h"
#include "bSearchTreeType.h"

using namespace std;

int main()
    int num;
    bSearchTreeType<int> *myTree= new bSearchTreeType<int>();

//test if tree is empty
        cout << "yes" << endl;
        cout << "no" << endl;

     cout << "Line 10: Enter numbers ending with -999"<< endl;
     cin >> num;
     while (num != -999)
         cin >> num;

    int p;
    cout << p << endl;

    cout << p << endl;

    //test if tree is empty after data is inserted
        cout << "yes" << endl;
        cout << "no" << endl;

    delete myTree;
    return 0;

binaryTreeType.h binaryTreeType.h

#include <queue>

template <class elemType>
struct binaryTreeNode
    elemType info;
    binaryTreeNode<elemType> *llink;
    binaryTreeNode<elemType> *rlink;

template <class elemType>
class binaryTreeType
        const binaryTreeType<elemType>& operator=(const binaryTreeType<elemType>&);
        //Overload the assignment operator.
        bool isEmpty() const;
        //Returns true if the binary tree is empty;
        //otherwise, returns false.
        void inorderTraversal() const;
        //Function to do an inorder traversal of the binary tree.
        void preorderTraversal() const;
        //Function to do a preorder traversal of the binary tree.
        void postorderTraversal() const;
        //Function to do a postorder traversal of the binary tree.
        int treeHeight() const;
        //Returns the height of the binary tree.
        int treeNodeCount() const;
        //Returns the number of nodes in the binary tree.
        int treeLeavesCount() const;
        //Returns the number of leaves in the binary tree.
        void destroyTree();
        //Deallocates the memory space occupied by the binary tree.
        //Postcondition: root = NULL;
        binaryTreeType(const binaryTreeType<elemType>& otherTree);
        //copy constructor
        //default constructor

        binaryTreeNode<elemType> *root;
        void copyTree(binaryTreeNode<elemType>* &copiedTreeRoot,binaryTreeNode<elemType>* otherTreeRoot);
        //Makes a copy of the binary tree to which
        //otherTreeRoot points. The pointer copiedTreeRoot
        //points to the root of the copied binary tree.
        void destroy(binaryTreeNode<elemType>* &p);
        //Function to destroy the binary tree to which p points.
        //Postcondition: p = NULL
        void inorder(binaryTreeNode<elemType> *p) const;
        //Function to do an inorder traversal of the binary
        //tree to which p points.
        void preorder(binaryTreeNode<elemType> *p) const;
        //Function to do a preorder traversal of the binary
        //tree to which p points.
        void postorder(binaryTreeNode<elemType> *p) const;
        //Function to do a postorder traversal of the binary
        //tree to which p points.
        int height(binaryTreeNode<elemType> *p) const;
        //Function to return the height of the binary tree
        //to which p points.
        int max(int x, int y) const;
        //Returns the larger of x and y.
        int nodeCount(binaryTreeNode<elemType> *p) const;
        //Function to return the number of nodes in the binary
        //tree to which p points
        int leavesCount(binaryTreeNode<elemType> *p) const;
        //Function to return the number of leaves in the binary
        //tree to which p points

template <class elemType>
bool binaryTreeType<elemType>::isEmpty() const
    return (root == NULL);

template <class elemType>
    root = NULL;

template <class elemType>
void binaryTreeType<elemType>::inorderTraversal() const

template <class elemType>
void binaryTreeType<elemType>::preorderTraversal() const

template <class elemType>
void binaryTreeType<elemType>::postorderTraversal() const

template <class elemType>
int binaryTreeType<elemType>::treeHeight() const
    return height(root);

template <class elemType>
int binaryTreeType<elemType>::treeNodeCount() const
    return nodeCount(root);

template <class elemType>
int binaryTreeType<elemType>::treeLeavesCount() const
    return leavesCount(root);

template <class elemType>
void binaryTreeType<elemType>::inorder(binaryTreeNode<elemType> *p) const
    if (p != NULL)
        std::cout << p->info << " ";


template <class elemType>
void binaryTreeType<elemType>::preorder(binaryTreeNode<elemType> *p) const
    if (p != NULL)
        std::cout << p->info << " ";

template <class elemType>
void binaryTreeType<elemType>::postorder(binaryTreeNode<elemType> *p) const
    if (p != NULL)
        std::cout << p->info << " ";

template <class elemType>
int binaryTreeType<elemType>::height(binaryTreeNode<elemType> *p) const
    if (p == NULL)
        return 0;
        return 1 + max(height(p->llink), height(p->rlink));

template <class elemType>
int binaryTreeType<elemType>::max(int x, int y) const
    if (x >= y)
        return x;
        return y;

template <class elemType>
void binaryTreeType<elemType>::copyTree(binaryTreeNode<elemType>* &copiedTreeRoot,binaryTreeNode<elemType>* otherTreeRoot)
    if (otherTreeRoot == NULL)
        copiedTreeRoot = NULL;
        copiedTreeRoot = new binaryTreeNode<elemType>;
        copiedTreeRoot->info = otherTreeRoot->info;
        copyTree(copiedTreeRoot->llink, otherTreeRoot->llink);
        copyTree(copiedTreeRoot->rlink, otherTreeRoot->rlink);
} //end copyTree

template <class elemType>
void binaryTreeType<elemType>::destroy(binaryTreeNode<elemType>* &p)
    if (p != NULL)
        delete p;
        p = NULL;

template <class elemType>
void binaryTreeType<elemType>::destroyTree()

template <class elemType>
binaryTreeType<elemType>::binaryTreeType(const binaryTreeType<elemType>& otherTree)
    if (otherTree.root == NULL) //otherTree is empty
        root = NULL;
        copyTree(root, otherTree.root);

template <class elemType>

template <class elemType>
const binaryTreeType<elemType>& binaryTreeType<elemType>::operator=(const binaryTreeType<elemType>& otherTree)
    if (this != &otherTree) //avoid self-copy
        if (root != NULL) //if the binary tree is not empty,
            //destroy the binary tree
        if (otherTree.root == NULL) //otherTree is empty
            root = NULL;
            copyTree(root, otherTree.root);
    }//end else
    return *this;
template <class elemType>
int binaryTreeType<elemType>::leavesCount(binaryTreeNode<elemType> *p) const
  if(p == NULL)
    return 0;
  if(p->llink == NULL && p->rlink==NULL)
    return 1;
    return leavesCount(p->llink) + leavesCount(p->rlink);
template <class elemType>
int binaryTreeType<elemType> ::nodeCount(binaryTreeNode<elemType> *p) const
    int count = 1;
      if ( p == NULL ){
        return 0;
        count += nodeCount(p->llink);
        count += nodeCount(p->rlink);
  return count;


bSearchTreeType.h bSearchTreeType.h

#include "binaryTreeType.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>

template <class elemType>
class bSearchTreeType : public binaryTreeType<elemType>


    bool search(const elemType& searchItem) const;
    //Function to determine if searchItem is in the binary
    //search tree.
    //Postcondition: Returns true if searchItem is found in the
    // binary search tree; otherwise, returns false.

    void insert(const elemType& insertItem);
    //Function to insert insertItem in the binary search tree.
    //Postcondition: If no node in the binary search tree has the
    // same info as insertItem, a node with the info insertItem
    // is created and inserted in the binary search tree.

    void deleteNode(const elemType& deleteItem);
    //Function to delete deleteItem from the binary search tree.
    //Postcondition: If a node with the same info as deleteItem
    // is found, it is deleted from the binary search tree.

    binaryTreeNode<elemType> *root;

    void deleteFromTree(binaryTreeNode<elemType>* &p);
    //Function to delete the node to which p points is deleted
    //from the binary search tree.
    //Postcondition: The node to which p points is deleted from
    // the binary search tree.

using namespace std;

template <class elemType>
bool bSearchTreeType<elemType>::search(const elemType& searchItem) const
    binaryTreeNode<elemType> *current;
    bool found = false;

    if (root == NULL)
        cerr << "Cannot search the empty tree." << endl;
        current = root;
        while (current != NULL && !found)
            if (current->info == searchItem)
                found = true;
            else if (current->info > searchItem)
                current = current->llink;
                current = current->rlink;
        }//end while
    }//end else
    return found;
}//end search

template <class elemType>
void bSearchTreeType<elemType>::insert(const elemType& insertItem)
    binaryTreeNode<elemType> *current; //pointer to traverse the tree
    binaryTreeNode<elemType> *trailCurrent; //pointer behind current
    binaryTreeNode<elemType> *newNode; //pointer to create the node

    newNode = new binaryTreeNode<elemType>;
    assert(newNode != NULL);
    newNode->info = insertItem;
    newNode->llink = NULL;
    newNode->rlink = NULL;

    if (root == NULL)
        root = newNode;

        current = root;
        while (current != NULL)
            trailCurrent = current;
            if (current->info == insertItem)
                std::cerr << "The insert item is already in the list-";
                std::cerr << "duplicates are not allowed." << insertItem << std::endl;
            else if (current->info > insertItem)
                current = current->llink;
                current = current->rlink;
        }//end while
        if (trailCurrent->info > insertItem)
            trailCurrent->llink = newNode;
            trailCurrent->rlink = newNode;
}//end insert

template <class elemType>
void bSearchTreeType<elemType>::deleteFromTree(binaryTreeNode<elemType>* &p)
    binaryTreeNode<elemType> *current;//pointer to traverse the tree
    binaryTreeNode<elemType> *trailCurrent; //pointer behind current
    binaryTreeNode<elemType> *temp; //pointer to delete the node

    if (p == NULL)
        cerr << "Error: The node to be deleted is NULL." << endl;
    else if(p->llink == NULL && p->rlink == NULL)
        temp = p;
        p = NULL;
        delete temp;
    else if(p->llink == NULL)
        temp = p;
        p = temp->rlink;
        delete temp;
    else if(p->rlink == NULL)
        temp = p;
        p = temp->llink;
        delete temp;
        current = p->llink;
        trailCurrent = NULL;
        while (current->rlink != NULL)
            trailCurrent = current;
            current = current->rlink;
        }//end while
        p->info = current->info;
        if (trailCurrent == NULL) //current did not move;
        //current == p->llink; adjust p
            p->llink = current->llink;
            trailCurrent->rlink = current->llink;
        delete current;
    }//end else
}//end deleteFromTree

template <class elemType>
void bSearchTreeType<elemType>::deleteNode(const elemType& deleteItem)
    binaryTreeNode<elemType> *current; //pointer to traverse the tree
    binaryTreeNode<elemType> *trailCurrent; //pointer behind current

    bool found = false;

    if (root == NULL)
        std::cout << "Cannot delete from the empty tree." << endl;
        current = root;
        trailCurrent = root;

        while (current != NULL && !found)
            if (current->info == deleteItem)
                found = true;
                trailCurrent = current;
                if (current->info > deleteItem)
                    current = current->llink;
                    current = current->rlink;
        }//end while
        if (current == NULL)
            std::cout << "The delete item is not in the tree." << endl;
        else if (found)
            if (current == root)
            else if (trailCurrent->info > deleteItem)
        }//end if
}//end deleteNode


(That's a humongous amount of code. Please remove everything your test case doesn't need next time.) (这是大量的代码。请删除您的测试用例下次不需要的所有内容。)

Cutting your code down to the bare essentials, we get 将您的代码精简到最基本的要求,我们得到了

template <class elemType>
class binaryTreeType
        bool isEmpty() const;
        binaryTreeNode<elemType> *root;

template <class elemType>
bool binaryTreeType<elemType>::isEmpty() const
    return (root == NULL);

template <class elemType>
class bSearchTreeType : public binaryTreeType<elemType>
    void insert(const elemType& insertItem);
    binaryTreeNode<elemType> *root;

template <class elemType>
void bSearchTreeType<elemType>::insert(const elemType& insertItem)
    // ...
    if (root == NULL)
        root = newNode;
        current = root;
}//end insert

And now we can see that you declare two member variables called "root". 现在我们可以看到您声明了两个名为“ root”的成员变量。
The one in bSearchTreeType hides the one in binaryTreeType - it's not a redeclaration or "override" of the same variable. 在一个bSearchTreeType 隐藏了一个在binaryTreeType -它不是一个重声明或同一变量的“覆盖”。

This means that your binaryTreeType member functions (such as isEmpty ) use the root in binaryTreeType , while the member functions of bSearchTreeType (such as insert ) use the root in bSearchTreeType , so after insert has updated one of the roots the other one is still null. 这意味着你的binaryTreeType成员函数(如isEmpty )使用的rootbinaryTreeType ,而成员函数bSearchTreeType (如insert )使用的rootbSearchTreeType ,所以之后insert已更新的根源之一,另一个仍然为空。

Incidentally, this issue is also difficult to discover with a debugger, where you'll just be staring at a variable whose value changes as if by magic. 顺便提一句,使用调试器也很难发现这个问题,在调试器中,您只能盯着一个变量,其值会像魔术般变化。

You need to do two things: 您需要做两件事:

  1. Remove the root member from bSearchTreeType bSearchTreeType删除root成员
  2. Because these are templates, you also need to change root to this->root in the bSearchTreeType member functions. 因为这些都是模板,你也需要改变rootthis->rootbSearchTreeType成员函数。 (Finding out why left as an exercise - it's an essay of its own.) (找出为什么要离开做练习-这是一篇自己的论文。)

(It seems to work with just these changes, by the way. Well done.) (顺便说一下,这似乎仅适用于这些更改。做得很好。)

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