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[英]Vertical alignment of combining diacritic in graphviz

I have the following minimal dot code: 我有以下最小点代码:

digraph {
    charset = utf8;
    rankdir = LR;
    "ε" -> "V" [label="V:V"];
    "ε" -> "ε" [label="C:C"];
    "V" -> "V" [label = "C:C"];
    "V" -> "ε" [label = "V:V́ "];

Note that the last V in the last line is followed by an acute combining diacritic (it is correctly combined with the V in my editor, FWIW). 请注意,最后一行中的最后一个V后面紧跟着一个敏锐变音符号(它与我的编辑器FWIW中的V正确地组合了)。 This diacritic does not appear high enough over the V after calling dot -Tpdf foo.dot -o foo.pdf . 在调用dot -Tpdf foo.dot -o foo.pdf后,该变音符号在V显示度不够高。 Instead, as you can see below, it is overlaid: 相反,如下所示,它被覆盖了:


How do I fix this? 我该如何解决? I'm using dot version 2.38.0 on Ubuntu (xenial). 我在Ubuntu(xenial)上使用点版本2.38.0。

I think this works already. 我认为这已经可行。 If you look closely at your image, you will see the diacritic: 如果仔细观察图像,您会看到变音符号:


I think it's just the font that needs to be changed. 我认为只是需要更改的字体。 Referring to Graphviz: change font for the whole graph? 参考Graphviz:更改整个图形的字体? , I modified your dot code and added a font: ,我修改了您的点码并添加了字体:

digraph {
    graph [fontname = "helvetica"];
    node [fontname = "helvetica"];
    edge [fontname = "helvetica"];

    charset = utf8;

This is what I get: 这是我得到的:


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