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如何编译不同版本的Maven Web项目并在不同版本中运行

[英]How to compile maven web project in different version and run in different version

I have created a maven web project in eclipse. 我已经在Eclipse中创建了一个Maven Web项目。 I want to compile it in jdk 1.6 and have its run time environment as 1.8.I have tomcat as the web container to run the project. 我想在jdk 1.6中编译它,并使其运行时环境为1.8。我将tomcat作为运行项目的Web容器。 For compiling I am aware of the Compliance level option in the project settings. 对于编译,我知道项目设置中的“符合性级别”选项。 Is it the correct way to go about the compile time requirement? 这是满足编译时间要求的正确方法吗? And what settings do I have to change to make it run on java 1.8? 我必须更改哪些设置才能使其在Java 1.8上运行?

Use the Maven compiler plugin to set the source and runtime version of jdk & jvm respectively. 使用Maven编译器插件分别设置jdk和jvm的源版本和运行时版本。


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