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[英]C# How to await async task until it indicates to proceed

I have a C# method, which calls an external web service multiple times, in a loop. 我有一个C#方法,可以循环调用多次外部Web服务。 I need to call it asynchronously in a different thread. 我需要在另一个线程中异步调用它。

But the caller process MUST wait until the async thread meets a certain condition, - this condition occurs much before the loop iterations complete. 但是调用者进程必须等到异步线程满足某个条件为止-这种条件发生在循环迭代完成之前。

Please suggest a C# code example which describes how to wait until the async block of code indicates that a certain condition has been met, so that the main process can proceed without waiting for loop to finish. 请提出一个C#代码示例,该示例描述如何等待直到异步代码块指示已满足特定条件,以便主进程可以继续执行而无需等待循环完成。

My code: 我的代码:

List<MyObject> objList = GetObjects();
int counter = 0;
await Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
    foreach (MyObject obj in objList)
        if (counter == 1)
            // return an indication that main process can proceed.

// Do other stuff...

You could execute your method as fire and forget and then wait for a TaskCompletionSource. 您可能会像火灾一样执行方法而忘记了,然后等待TaskCompletionSource。 This TaskCompletionSource is given to the method that calls the webservice as parameter. 该TaskCompletionSource被提供给调用webservice作为参数的方法。 The method then sets a result on the TaskCompletionSource at some point. 然后,该方法会在某个时刻在TaskCompletionSource上设置结果。

Here is an example code piece: 这是一个示例代码段:

        public async Task DoWebserviceStuffAsync(TaskCompletionSource<bool> taskCompletionSource)
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                //your webservice call
                await Task.Delay(5000);

                //some condition
                if (i == 1)
                    //after setting this your CallingMethod finishes 
                    //waiting the await taskCompletionSource.Task;

        private async Task CallerMethod()
            var taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();

            //call method without await
            //care: You cannot catch exceptions without await

            //wait for the DoWebserviceStuffAsync to set a result on the passed TaskCompletionSource
            await taskCompletionSource.Task;

If you want to avoid the danger of "fire and forget" or you also need to wait for the full operation to complete, you could return two tasks (Task,Task) (C# v7 syntax). 如果要避免发生“失火”的危险,或者还需要等待完整的操作完成,则可以返回两个任务(Task,Task) (C#v7语法)。 The caller would await both tasks in order. 呼叫者将依次等待两个任务。

public async Task Caller()
    var (partOne,partTwo) = DoSomethingAsync();

    await partOne;
    //part one is done...

    await partTwo;
    //part two is done...

public (Task,Task) DoSomethingAsync()
    var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>(TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously);
    return (tcs.Task, DoWork(tcs));

public async Task DoWork(TaskCompletionSource<bool> tcs)
    List<MyObject> objList = GetObjects();
    int counter = 0;
    await Task.Run(() =>
        foreach (MyObject obj in objList)
            if (counter == 1)
                // return an indication that main process can proceed.

    // Do other stuff...

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