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[英]How to sum elements in list of dictionaries if two key values are the same

I have the following list of dictionaries: 我有以下词典列表:

dictionary =[{'Flow': 100, 'Location': 'USA', 'Name': 'A1'},
            {'Flow': 90, 'Location': 'Europe', 'Name': 'B1'},
            {'Flow': 20, 'Location': 'USA', 'Name': 'A1'},
            {'Flow': 70, 'Location': 'Europe', 'Name': 'B1'}]

I want to create a new list of dictionaries, with summed Flow values of all dictionaries where Location and Name are the same. 我想创建一个新的字典列表,其中包含所有字典的总和Flow值,其中LocationName是相同的。 My desired output would be: 我想要的输出是:

new_dictionary =[{'Flow': 120, 'Location': 'USA', 'Name': 'A1'},
            {'Flow': 160, 'Location': 'Europe', 'Name': 'B1'},]

How can I achieve this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

This is possible, but non-trivial to implement in python. 这是可能的,但在python中实现并不重要。 Might I suggest using pandas? 我可以建议使用熊猫吗? This is simple with a groupby , sum , and to_dict . 这对于groupbysumto_dict很简单。

import pandas as pd

   .groupby(['Location', 'Name'], as_index=False)

[{'Flow': 160, 'Location': 'Europe', 'Name': 'B1'},
 {'Flow': 120, 'Location': 'USA', 'Name': 'A1'}]

To install, use pip install --user pandas . 要安装,请使用pip install --user pandas

Otherwise, you can apply a pseudo-generic group operation using itertools.groupby . 否则,您可以使用itertools.groupby应用伪通用组操作。

from itertools import groupby
from operator import itemgetter

grouper = ['Location', 'Name']
key = itemgetter(*grouper)

[{**dict(zip(grouper, k)), 'Flow': sum(map(itemgetter('Flow'), g))} 
    for k, g in groupby(dictionary, key=key)]

[{'Flow': 160, 'Location': 'Europe', 'Name': 'B1'},
 {'Flow': 120, 'Location': 'USA', 'Name': 'A1'}]

While I would also prefer using Pandas if possible, here is solution using plain python: 虽然如果可能的话我也更喜欢使用Pandas,这里是使用普通python的解决方案:

In [1]: import itertools

In [2]: dictionary =[{'Flow': 100, 'Location': 'USA', 'Name': 'A1'},
   ...:             {'Flow': 90, 'Location': 'Europe', 'Name': 'B1'},
   ...:             {'Flow': 20, 'Location': 'USA', 'Name': 'A1'},
   ...:             {'Flow': 70, 'Location': 'Europe', 'Name': 'B1'}]

In [3]: import operator

In [4]: key = operator.itemgetter('Location', 'Name')

In [5]: [{'Flow': sum(x['Flow'] for x in g),
   ...:   'Location': k[0],
   ...:   'Name': k[1]}
   ...:  for k, g in itertools.groupby(sorted(dictionary, key=key), key=key)]
[{'Flow': 160, 'Location': 'Europe', 'Name': 'B1'},
 {'Flow': 120, 'Location': 'USA', 'Name': 'A1'}]

Another way is to use defaultdict, which gives you a slightly different representation (though you can convert it back to list of dicts if you want): 另一种方法是使用defaultdict,它会给你一个稍微不同的表示(尽管如你所愿你可以将它转换回dicts列表):

In [11]: import collections

In [12]: cnt = collections.defaultdict(int)

In [13]: for r in dictionary:
    ...:     cnt[(r['Location'], r['Name'])] += r['Flow']

In [14]: cnt
Out[14]: defaultdict(int, {('Europe', 'B1'): 160, ('USA', 'A1'): 120})

In [15]: [{'Flow': x, 'Location': k[0], 'Name': k[1]} for k, x in cnt.items()]
[{'Flow': 120, 'Location': 'USA', 'Name': 'A1'},
 {'Flow': 160, 'Location': 'Europe', 'Name': 'B1'}]

Not exactly the output you expect, but.. 不完全是你期望的输出,但..

Using collections.Counter() 使用collections.Counter()

count = Counter()

for i in dictionary:
    count[i['Location'], i['Name']] += i['Flow']

print count

Will give: 会给:

Counter({ ('Europe', 'B1'): 160, 
          ('USA', 'A1'): 120 })

I hope this will at least give you some idea. 我希望这至少会给你一些想法。

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