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[英]When I click on tab then images disappear

I am working on an asp.net application and when I click on a textbox and then I tap on the "tab" key two images on the same popup disappears. 我正在使用asp.net应用程序,当我单击文本框,然后点击“选项卡”键时,同一弹出窗口上的两个图像消失了。 Any idea why? 知道为什么吗?

Here is the code for the images that are disappearing. 这是消失图像的代码。

    <a href="#">
    <img id="imgUnlockabc" src="/images/lock.png" title="Unlock Field" class="unlockabc" width="12px" height="16px" />

    <img id="imgUnlockabc" src="/images/lock.png" title="Unlock Field" class="unlockabc"  width="12px" height="16px"/>

1 - Your code isn't enough to identify the problem. 1-您的代码不足以识别问题。

2 - you can't use same id more than one time in same page 2-您不能在同一页面中多次使用相同的ID

3 - try change class name. 3-尝试更改班级名称。

 <a href="#">
  <img id="imgUnlockabc1" src="/images/lock.png" title="Unlock Field" class="unlockabc1" width="12px" height="16px" />

<img id="imgUnlockabc2" src="/images/lock.png" title="Unlock Field" class="unlockabc2"  width="12px" height="16px"/>

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