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[英]how to detect upside down face?

I would like to detect upright and upside-down faces, however faces weren't recognized in upside-down images.我想检测直立和倒置的人脸,但是在倒置的图像中无法识别人脸。

I used the dlib library in Python with shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat .我将 Python 中的 dlib 库与shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat一起使用。

Is there a library that can recognize upright and upside-down faces?有没有可以识别正脸和倒脸的图书馆?

You could use the same library to detect upside down faces.您可以使用相同的库来检测颠倒的面孔。 If the library is unable to detect the face initially, transform it 180° and check again.如果库最初无法检测到人脸,请将其转换 180° 并再次检查。 If it is recognized in this condition, you know it was an upside down face.如果在这种情况下被识别出来,你就知道这是一张颠倒的脸。

I am just looking for answer, and figured it out, the idea is to detect the eye and mouth coordinates, if the eyes' coordinates below the mouth, or failure of detection, then maybe a up-side-down face.我只是在寻找答案,并想通了,想法是检测眼睛和嘴巴坐标,如果眼睛坐标低于嘴巴,或者检测失败,那么可能是一个颠倒的脸。

Check it out here how to grab the coordinates https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2017/04/10/detect-eyes-nose-lips-jaw-dlib-opencv-python/在这里查看如何获取坐标https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2017/04/10/detect-eyes-nose-lips-jaw-dlib-opencv-python/

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