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链接 observables 以加载相关数据

[英]Chain observables to load dependent datas

I'm loading an employee in my resolver.我正在我的解析器中加载一名员工。 This employee returns a list of town's ids.该员工返回城镇 ID 列表。 I want to load all the towns from this town's id list in the same resolver.我想在同一个解析器中加载这个城镇的 id 列表中的所有城镇。 But I don't want to return the list of town, I want to return the employee.但是我不想返回城镇列表,我想返回员工。 The loaded town will be added in a cache service to be used later.加载的城镇将被添加到缓存服务中以供稍后使用。 Here is my code这是我的代码

resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): Observable<any> {

    return this.employeeService.getEmployee(route.params['id'])
            map(employee => {
                const townsObservables = [];
                employee['town_list'].forEach((townId) => {
                return forkJoin(townsObservables).pipe(
                    map(town => {
                        return employee;

Problem : the forkJoin is never executed and the route snapshot data in my component return an Observalbe instead of a employee.问题:永远不会执行 forkJoin 并且我组件中的路由快照数据返回 Observalbe 而不是员工。

route.snapshot.data['employee'] // returns Observable {_isScalar: false, source: Observable, operator: MapOperator}

The employeeService is working well without all the code in pipe, this code works like expected (I can get my employee in my snapshot data):没有管道中的所有代码,employeeService 运行良好,此代码按预期工作(我可以在我的快照数据中获取我的员工):

resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): Observable<any> {
    return this.employeeService.getEmployee(route.params['id']);

Question : what is the correct way to load related datas without returning them in a resolver?问题:加载相关数据而不在解析器中返回它们的正确方法是什么? I was about to try to use two separates resolvers but the resolvers cannot be chained (there is no way to tell resolver B to use datas from resolver A).我正要尝试使用两个单独的解析器,但无法链接解析器(无法告诉解析器 B 使用来自解析器 A 的数据)。

I'm using Angular 6 with RXJS ^6.2.1.我将 Angular 6 与 RXJS ^6.2.1 一起使用。

You should use mergeMap if you want to subscribe forkJoin .您应该使用mergeMap如果你想订阅forkJoin

return this.employeeService.getEmployee(route.params['id'])
        mergeMap(employee => { // <-- HERE changed to mergeMap
            const townsObservables = [];
            employee['town_list'].forEach((townId) => {
            return forkJoin(townsObservables).pipe(
                map(town => {
                    return employee;

Main difference between map and mergeMap : mapmergeMap之间的主要区别:

map(val => of(val)) -> results in Observable<Observable<val>> map(val => of(val)) -> 结果是Observable<Observable<val>>

mergeMap(val => of(val)) -> results in Observable<val> mergeMap(val => of(val)) -> 结果是Observable<val>

It is equivalent to .pipe(map(val => of(val)), mergeAll())它相当于.pipe(map(val => of(val)), mergeAll())

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