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如何在 SolrCloud 上强制领导者?

[英]How to force a leader on SolrCloud?

I have a 5-node SolrCloud (Solr 7.0) with an external 3-node Zookeeper ensemble.我有一个带有外部 3 节点 Zookeeper 集成的 5 节点 SolrCloud (Solr 7.0)。 There is one collection called "production" that is sharded to 5 shards with a replication factor of 5. See the screenshot below:有一个名为“production”的集合被分片为 5 个分片,复制因子为 5。请参见下面的屏幕截图:


shard5 was struggling to elect a new leader for a long time and other cores were complaining with the following error: shard5 很长一段时间都在努力选举新的领导者,其他核心抱怨以下错误:

azsolr1 solr: 2018-08-28 19:32:43.575 ERROR (qtp1124317168-9304) [c:production s:shard2 r:core_node9 x:production_shard2_replica_n4] oashRequestHandlerBase org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: No registered leader was found after waiting for 4000ms , collection: production slice: shard5 azsolr1 solr:2018-08-28 19:32:43.575 错误(qtp1124317168-9304)[c:production s:shard2 r:core_node9 x:production_shard2_replica_n4]等待 4000 毫秒,集合:生产切片:shard5

After restarting all nodes one by one (I even restarted the zookeeper nodes), I had no luck in electing the only active replica (azsolr1) as the leader.一一重启所有节点后(我什至重启了zookeeper节点),我没有运气选择唯一的活动副本(azsolr1)作为领导者。 I then unloaded the 4 replicas with the 'down' state using the CoreAdmin API UNLOAD command which caused the replicas to disappear completely.然后我使用CoreAdmin API UNLOAD命令卸载了 4 个处于“关闭”状态的副本,这导致副本完全消失。

With that setup, trying to force the leader of the shard using the Collection API FORCELEADER does nothing.使用该设置,尝试使用Collection API FORCELEADER强制分片的领导者什么也不做。 I also tried this before unloading the cores.在卸载内核之前,我也试过这个。

Here is the current status:这是目前的状态:


Why can't Solr just elect the only active replica for shard 5 as the leader?为什么 Solr 不能只选举分片 5 的唯一活动副本作为领导者? Isn't this obvious, especially after forcing the leader on the shard?这不是很明显,尤其是在强制领导者进入分片之后?

Assuming the leader was elected successfully somehow, do I recreate the replicas that I deleted using the Collection API ADDREPLICA ?假设以某种方式成功选举了领导者,我是否使用Collection API ADDREPLICA重新创建我删除的副本? In this case, should I reuse the same instanceDir and dataDir of the deleted replicas?在这种情况下,我应该重用已删除副本的相同instanceDirdataDir吗? Or I just let it replicate from scratch?或者我只是让它从头开始复制?

Restarting azsolr1 which was hosting the only replica for shard5 forced the election of the leader.重新启动托管azsolr1唯一副本的shard5强制选举领导者。 Sounds crazy, but that was it.听起来很疯狂,但就是这样。 After doing that, I added the other 4 replicas using the ADDREPLICA command.这样做之后,我使用ADDREPLICA命令添加了其他 4 个副本。


I had the same problem.我有同样的问题。

one collection with 3 replicas (solr1 --> was a leader before, solr2, solr3).一个包含 3 个副本的集合(solr1 --> 之前是领导者,solr2,solr3)。 one of the shards has no leader!其中一个碎片没有领导者! and I did these steps :我做了这些步骤:

1 - stop solr2 and solr3 1 - 停止solr2solr3

2- call FORCE LEADER API ( http://xx.xx.xxx.xx:8983/solr/admin/collections?action=FORCELEADER&collection=your_collection_name&shard=shard1 ) 2- 调用 FORCE LEADER API ( http://xx.xx.xxx.xx:8983/solr/admin/collections?action=FORCELEADER&collection=your_collection_name&shard=shard1 )

3 - after a few minutes solr1 elected as a leader 3 - after a few minutes solr1 elected as a leader

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