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[英]Not getting Firebase Dynamic Link of users that download app from Playstore

There are 2 cases in Playstore App Playstore App有2个案例

  1. Normal Installation (Playstore shows OPEN Button) 正常安装(Playstore显示OPEN按钮)
  2. Installation from Dynamic Link (Playstore shows CONTINUE Button) 从动态链接安装(Playstore显示CONTINUE按钮) 打开

Test Case: 测试用例:

Download app from Firebase dynamic link, After installation Playstore will show CONTINUE button: 从Firebase动态链接下载应用程序,安装后Playstore将显示CONTINUE按钮:

There are 2 options from where user can open app after successful installation . 成功安装后,用户可以通过2个选项打开应用程序。

  1. Open app by clicking on CONTINUE Button -> App will get the link, everything works as expected 单击继续按钮打开应用程序- > 应用程序将获取链接,一切正常工作
  2. Open app from LAUNCHER ICON , and not from playstore -> App will not get the dynamic link LAUNCHER ICON打开应用程序,而不是从Playstore打开应用程序- > App将无法获得动态链接

Most of the users are not clicking the CONTINUE button as it is normal human behavior, therefore I am losing the Referrer link. 大多数用户没有点击CONTINUE按钮,因为这是正常的人类行为,因此我丢失了Referrer链接。

Is this the intended behavior of Firebase? 这是Firebase的预期行为吗? How can I avoid this problem? 我该如何避免这个问题?

Related Post here 相关文章在这里

There are 5 events for Dynamic Links Analytics : Dynamic Links Analytics5个事件

1. Click 1.单击

2. Redirect 2.重定向

3. App Install 3.应用程序安装

4. App First Open 4.应用程序首次打开

5. App Re-Open 5.应用程序重新打开


From the image above, you can see that the request is pass to Play Store and then it is ended over there. 从上图中,您可以看到请求已传递到Play商店,然后在那里结束。

Therefore, possible situations are: 因此,可能的情况是:

  1. Your previous app/website has done its job routing the dynamic link to the intended app or Play Store. 您之前的应用/网站已完成其作业,将动态链接路由到预期应用或Play商店。

At this point, you can track the Clicks and Redirects. 此时,您可以跟踪点击和重定向。

  1. Now, at Play Store, continuing the dynamic link flow, User install the app, You can track number of app installs. 现在,在Play商店,继续动态链接流程,用户安装应用程序,您可以跟踪应用程序安装的数量。 Or, user did not install the app, so it did not update the number of app installs. 或者,用户没有安装该应用程序,因此它没有更新应用程序安装的数量。

  2. After installation, if the user opens your app through the CONTINUE button, your app will received the data passed in from the Google Play Fragment (Like what you have done here via the Receive Setup ). 安装后,如果用户通过CONTINUE按钮打开您的应用,您的应用将收到从Google Play片段传入的数据(就像您通过接收设置在此处所做的那样)。 At this point, it will generate the meta data of 'App First Open'. 此时,它将生成“App First Open”的元数据。 But, if you press the home button, and open the app through your home page/shortcut/app tray, etc. , you will not get an update on it. 但是,如果您按主页按钮,并通过主页/快捷方式/应用程序托盘等打开应用程序,您将无法获得更新。

This is because no dynamic link meta data is pass when your user open the app other than the CONTINUE. 这是因为当您的用户打开除CONTINUE之外的应用程序时,没有动态链接元数据通过。 The flow is broken, unless, the user go back to step 1 again to redirect to the app, now the app will track the data of app first open (the app is not open before) or app re-open if the user open the app before. 流程被破坏,除非用户再次返回步骤1重定向到应用程序,现在应用程序将跟踪应用程序首次打开的数据(应用程序之前未打开)或应用程序重新打开,如果用户打开应用之前。


Why does the button is showing CONTINUE instead of OPEN is because the Google Play (Fragment) detected the user is directed from the dynamic link (some meta-data (your dynamic link details/info) is passed from the previous app/website). 为什么按钮显示CONTINUE而不是OPEN是因为Google Play(片段)检测到用户是从动态链接定向的(某些元数据(您的动态链接详细信息/信息)是从之前的应用/网站传递的)。

The meaning of CONTINUE here is actually prompt the user whether they want to proceed to the newly installed app. 这里CONTINUE的含义实际上是提示用户是否要继续使用新安装的应用程序。 If yes, Google Play will pass the meta data to your app, and you get the tracking data on App first open. 如果是,Google Play会将元数据传递到您的应用,并且您首先打开App上的跟踪数据。 Else, no analytic data will be produce other than click, redirect and app install. 否则,除了点击,重定向和应用安装之外,不会生成任何分析数据。

Answering your question , you can only hope the user press on the CONTINUE ! 回答你的问题 ,你只能希望用户按下CONTINUE It is unavoidable because those app/sites are not in the same context (previous site vs Play Store vs Your App). 这是不可避免的,因为这些应用程序/网站不在同一个上下文中(之前的网站与Play商店和您的应用程序相比)。

Definitions: (from documentation ) 定义:(来自文件

dynamic_link_first_open dynamic_link_first_open

Logged when a user opens the app for the first time via a Dynamic Link. 当用户第一次通过动态链接打开应用程序时记录。

dynamic_link_app_open dynamic_link_app_open

Logged when a user re-opens the app via a Dynamic Link. 当用户通过动态链接重新打开应用程序时记录。

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