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如何在通过 CircleCI 运行的 Ubuntu 中启动 Redis

[英]How to start Redis within Ubuntu run via CircleCI

I have the following CircleCI config (this is trimmed, I don't include the config after the failing line):我有以下 CircleCI 配置(这是修剪过的,我不包括失败行后的配置):

version: 2
    working_directory: ~/mycompany/mycompany_app
    - image: ubuntu:18.04
    - run:
        name: Update yum cache
        command: apt-get update
    - run:
        name: Install base packages
        command: apt-get install -y sudo git wget tzdata postgresql postgresql-contrib build-essential python2.7 make gcc redis-server
    - run:
        name: Start Redis
        command: sudo service redis-server start
    - run: redis-cli ping

The last command, redis-cli ping gives me the error Could not connect to Redis at Connection refused最后一个命令, redis-cli ping给了我错误Could not connect to Redis at Connection refused

The best thread I've been able to find on this issue is https://github.com/Microsoft/WSL/issues/365 though that doesn't help since I'm doing the manual start as they suggest.我能在这个问题上找到的最好的线程是https://github.com/Microsoft/WSL/issues/365虽然这没有帮助,因为我正在按照他们的建议进行手动启动。 There's also some stuff in this SO answer that's related, but I don't think not using upstart is my problem.这个 SO 答案中也有一些相关的东西,但我不认为不使用upstart是我的问题。

How can I get the server started so that it will answer to the ping?如何启动服务器以便它响应 ping?

To really take advantage of CircleCI though, you might want to try doing it like this:不过,要真正利用 CircleCI,您可能想尝试这样做:

version: 2
    working_directory: ~/mycompany/mycompany_app
      - image: ubuntu:18.04
      - image: circleci/redis:4.0.9
    - run:
        name: Update Apt Cache
        command: apt-get update
    - run:
        name: Install base packages
        command: apt-get install -y sudo git wget tzdata postgresql postgresql-contrib build-essential python2.7 make gcc
    - run: redis-cli ping

我通过将sudo service redis-server start更改为sudo redis-server --daemonize yes使其工作,这确实是链接的 Github 问题中列出的一个选项,尽管我认为它(就我的目的而言)与redis-server &所以我没试过。

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