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[英]Java Date comparison: Dates in different formats

I have two dates in String format as: say String date1 = 2018-08-29 and in ISO-OFFSET_DATE_TIME format as String date2 = 2018-08-30T00:00:00+10:00 . 我有两个以String格式表示的日期:比如说String date1 = 2018-08-29 ,以ISO-OFFSET_DATE_TIME格式表示为String date2 = 2018-08-30T00:00:00+10:00 What is the best way to compare date1 and date2 for equality? 比较date1和date2是否相等的最佳方法是什么? I am not concerned about time, only day, year and month matters. 我不关心时间,只关心日,年和月。 Should I be converting them to instant and compare? 我应该将它们转换为即时并进行比较吗?

the fastest way is; 最快的方法是

String date1 = "2018-08-29";
String date2 = "2018-08-30T00:00:00+10:00";
boolean isEqual = date2.startsWith(date1);

tl;dr tl; dr

.parse( "2018-08-29" ) 
    .parse( "2018-08-30T00:00:00+10:00" )


java.time java.time

Parse each input during its appropriate type in java.time . java.time中的适当类型期间解析每个输入。

LocalDate ld = LocalDate.parse( "2018-08-29" ) ;
OffsetDateTime odt = OffsetDateTime.parse( "2018-08-30T00:00:00+10:00" ) ;

Compare by extracting a LocalDate from the OffsetDateTime . 通过从OffsetDateTime提取LocalDate进行比较。

Boolean sameDate = ld.isEqual( odt.toLocalDate() ) ;


Or perhaps you want to adjust that OffsetDateTime from its offset of ten hours ahead of UTC to another offset or time zone. 或者,您可能希望将OffsetDateTime从UTC之前的十个小时的偏移量调整为另一个偏移量或时区。 For example, let's adjust back to UTC before extracting a date to compare. 例如,让我们在提取日期进行比较之前将其调整回UTC。

.parse( "2018-08-29" ) 
    .parse( "2018-08-30T00:00:00+10:00" )
    .withOffsetSameInstant( ZoneOffset.UTC )

This changes our results from false , seen in code above, to true . 这会将我们的结果从上面的代码中看到的false更改为true

true 真正

If this is the only thing you will ever want to know about the two strings: 如果这是您唯一想了解的两个字符串,则:

    LocalDate ld1 = LocalDate.parse(date1);
    LocalDate ld2 = LocalDate.parse(date2, DateTimeFormatter.ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME);
    if (ld1.isEqual(ld2)) {
        System.out.println("They are the same date");
    } else {
        System.out.println("They are different dates");

Output using your string examples frmo the question: 使用您的字符串示例输出frmo问题:

They are different dates 他们是不同的日期

I was just writing code similar to that by Basil Bourque when his answer came. 当他的答案出现时我只是在写类似于Basil Bourque的代码。 I prefer to handle date and time by the correct date-time objects, which is exactly what he's doing. 我更喜欢通过正确的日期时间对象来处理日期和时间,这正是他在做什么。 By parsing date2 into an OffsetDateTime you are keeping all information, and the conversion to LocalDate for comparison is easy. 通过将date2解析为OffsetDateTime您可以保留所有信息,并且转换为LocalDate以进行比较也很容易。 For most purposes I recommend that way. 对于大多数目的,我建议采用这种方式。

Only if you know for sure that you will never need the time of day, you may take a shortcut. 仅当您确定自己永远不需要一天中的时间时,才可以使用快捷方式。 You may of course use the fast way by JunJie Wang . 您当然可以使用JunJie Wang的快速方法 I prefer my own code above, though, for two reasons: I tells the reader clearly that the strings are dates and times and handles them correctly as such. 不过,我更喜欢上面的代码,这有两个原因:我清楚地告诉读者,字符串是日期和时间,因此可以正确地处理它们。 And it thereby also provides validation of the string formats. 因此,它还提供了字符串格式的验证。 If some day by accident you get a completely different string, you will be notified through a DateTimeParseException . 如果某天不经意间获得了完全不同的字符串,则会通过DateTimeParseException通知您。

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